Pic belongs to jureba40
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
gNp Fall3n is a gay ass
gNp Fall3n = AWP WHORE! MTFK...
Today we had a sort of CC gathering. Originally planned to meet up with some other oso, but nvm.
7 of us.
We played...
CS:S. Note to self 1.
gNp Fall3n and r0ri/sora kenot be in the same team. I also learned sean392 is also a gay CS:Ser.
Hmm.. played few games.
5 person free-for-all. I won in the end. ^^
MAP: Big game hunter
Carrier + Arbiter + Corsair = Owned.
My first attack was very fun, although I was very scared that someone was going to stab me from the back.
I sent Zealots + Dragoons up front, while my carrier fleet came from the back.. LOLZ>
CSS again.
LOLZ. kena owned.
Need For Speed Most Wanted. 2 races.
I won both. LOLZ. (maybe they weren't too used to it yet.)
FIrst race. 4 person race, I used SLK. Second race. 1 on 1. Cayman S vs Lamborghini. Cayman S > Lambo ---
Monday, May 29, 2006
I'm looking to get a gamer's keyboard.
I heard it costs about RM100+..
Why? What makes it so different?
Well, how many keys can u press at the same time?
Well, apparently, mine is about 4 - 5.
That, is no good. VERY NO GOOD. Why? Most of the time, I missed a lot of keys in o2jam because my keyboard got stuck. Stuck, as in, i pressed the key, but it didn't read. LOLZ.
Darned Fuck.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
They Just Had To Make it sound so damn cool
How many games out will somehow pop up with a word that you don't understand?
Well. It so much shows that Ace Combat... has one hell of a storywriter.
Tell me, you know what the meaning of these 2 words?
Well, I had no idea with the first one, and only a slight remembrance of the first word. Quite few non-rpg games out there can do that, seriously. (oh ya, the dictionary is useful)
Oh ya,
I love this phrase. The way they said it was very very.. nice.
Belkan Priority One Strategic Airspace, B 7 R, aka, the round table.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Oh my. Morgan is such a BITCH.
I spent 2 hours trying again and again to screw the bitch out of the sky.
Darn it.
Man, such a hard and tight asshole of a fight man!
And you can't hit her from the back! That's so unfair.
They just have to complicate stuff.
Surprisingly, Morgan's name comes from the witch in Arthurian legend. Morgan Le Fay, who also happens to be Arthur's sister, if I recall properly.
No wonder she's a bitch.
But at the end, I finally shot her down.
Stupid ADFX-02, Codenamed Morgan.
Stupid lasers and burst missiles.
Stupid FARKING irritating RETARDED despicable ECM!
Friday, May 26, 2006
I got a wee bit too bored today, so I decided to play the VERY ANCIENT game called... Homeworld.
I don't know about you, but I find something strangely satisfying about having a fleet of hundreds of ion cannon frigates, destroyers and other heavy guns hyperspace jump to the back of their mothership, and boom..
Oh, visual candy, despite being a very old game... of countless lasers firing repeatedly. Not many games protray space chaos in a more beautiful way.
With proper modding, that game can actually replicate the Star Wars space battles... (That would be so l33t)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Ace Combat Zero
Finally get to play! ^^
Very happy.
First run starting now.
'My first impression was, well, he's got potential.'
Ace Combat Zero has wondrous storytelling, I must say. It's beautiful. It's wondrous. It's captivating. It's lovely.
'I'm telling you, we're gonna get along just fine.'
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Study.... NOT!
Study, or not study. That, is the question...
Of course study, right? Well, it ain't that easy, ain't it?
FOrce yourself to study, and it doesn't work..
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Silent Hill 4 Soundtrack
It's quite cool, although it's VERY darn emo, and VERY darn creepy, and VERY VERY sad.
My favourite song inside...
"Waiting For You" by Akira Yamoaka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn(who's also in Ace Combat 5)
"Melancholy Requiem" Nice song, if you're in the mood to hurt someone. =)
"Cradel Of Forest" Kinda funky also...
Nightmarish Waltz, kinda weird...
"Your Rain" Akira and Mary again, kinda nice...
"Room Of Angel" It's really a sad kind of song, but then, it's a sad game. It's even in the bloody lyrics.. 'There's nothing you can do, so sleep, in your only memory, of me, my dearest mother, here's a lullaby to close your eyes, it was always you that I despised, I don't feel it, not for you to cry..." (lame lyrics also, but abuthen, most of the time, u only listen to this kind of songs when u're in the uber+ultra+emo+angsty mood, that lameness doesn't rly matter)
Monday, May 22, 2006
Stop Swinging!
Restless is a good word to describe how I'm feeling right now...
Well, dunno why.
Haha. I hope they call me soon. I'm rotting here.
Monkey Wrench
Is it right for me to do it? No such thing is right and wrong. History is written by the victor, never to losers.
Am I in the position to do it? Not really. The links are not strong enough. Do I have the resources and skills to do it? Hmm. This is hard to self-assess.
What is the plan?
Working on it.
This is intricate, and P&C
How to proceed?
As above
How many backup plans? As many as possible Who to inform of such plans? No one. Trust no one, when the risks are high, and margin of error is low.
Consequences of such a plan? I might get into a lot of trouble. Who cares though? It'll make me feel so much for content, and satisfied.
Project Monkey Wrench 1, in development.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Explosion Brink
I am going to blow up very soon.
All that...
Suppressed................................ ERGH
Wanna kill someone. Just want to kill, maim, torture, squash, step on, decimate, annihilate, cull, defile, derogate, torment, and bring a world of suffering to someone.
Who is that someone?
Well, met up with lots of my ex-schoolmates today.
Then we went to watch a movie and CC.
Owning Noobs is fun.
13-2 with tormented soul, 3 on 3. HAHA. (partly cos i kill steal abit lar..) First time used diffusal blade, and man it's farking good. As u know la, the tormented soul's stun got a bit delay one.. sigh, so diffusal to slow, then poof.. haha.
My fren(opponent) , was a death prophet, a chen and rhasta. (the prophet was a noob, so we all agreed not to hunt him.
My team, me as tormented soul, my fren as a drow ranger (if not for his silence, i'd be dead.) and another fren as balanar(nightstalker) <--- newbie, so he was feeding... feeding Nightstalker.. how often do u see that... I wonder. (but fun all round)
HAHA. tormented soul is so fun (partly cos i had dagon.. and comboed with all the other spells this freak has...), and the diffusal is soooo useful.
later on we played Condition Zero (aka Cs1.6)
lolz. AWPmap.. fuknatnya.... (lol.. this was darn stupid.. though i got more kills than anyone, cos they aren't really Sora or Fallenangel's level of cssers) (sora and Fallen are both clanned cssers, so.. fighting them = die) ICeworld... farknat again... (my team's lead killer, partly cos both of my teammates ain't the cssing type)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Farking BOREDZ.
Sincerely. I am very very very bored.
Stupid short attention span.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Epoch Of Wavering Faith
At certain times, we take that moment to look and remininsce on what we've become, and end up being so shocked at what we are now.
This is something very interesting, because I have a habit of writing some of my ideas, theories and philosophies in a book, and when I look back, it turns out how I thought of stuff now, was radically different.
In a way it reminded me of the boiling frog parable the paper 5 introduced to us.
When the shift was gradual, I didn't reject or try to shift back.
Perhaps in time, I will not be what I am now.
In a way, I find that reassuring.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hmm. Looks Like I AM going to be a bachelor
Serious family quarrels in view. His independence does not tolerate marriage very well. If he does marry, he has little chance of finishing his days with the spouse, unless the partner gives him complete freedom and accepts his unfaithfulness. Marries for love, to show the depth of his passion, but has a troubled conjugal life.In one-to-one relationships, Gemini rising people often seek a certain amount of personal freedom and space. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. Although they often demand a fair amount of freedom, they are often just as willing to give their partners room to breathe.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Here's A Line
You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.
Somehow this is a very interesting line.
Hmm, what am i going to do...
I saw the veronica's video. Their quite cute, with their thick red lipstick and eyeliner. Looks ubergoth, and somehow cute.
Other than that, nothing much to blog about.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Some Small Stuff I Found After Got A Little Too Curious
General behavior: Capricorn (the goat) is the most serious of all the zodiac signs. You are independent and (usually) confident. You have a tendency to criticize yourself too much, which can lead to low self-esteem. Capricorns are dependable, but also extremely cautious. You make a fair, but stubborn leader, and this is a job that you can do well. You are very well organized, so you can handle many projects at once. You may go through horrible mood swings, being friendly one moment and mean the next. Romantic behavior: You maintain good relations with members of the opposite sex. You make good and true friends. You are capable of deep and passionate affections. However, in your search for greener pastures, you sometimes switch partners too quickly. Be discreet with the opposite sex as you can face some unpleasant situations. Important Information on Capricornians
Friday, May 12, 2006
Do We Need Titles?
Hmm.. Dunno why I wanted to write this story, but I did anyhow. Just had the mood for writing stories.
Walking down this dusty, uneven road, reminds me of what it has been to travel through life with you by my side. Looking into the dark horizon, at dusk when the sky is a mix of blue, orange, red and violet, it seems that since you came, what was once a monochrome sky, became one of many palettes of shades and hues. Oh, the vibrance, the energy that comes with your presence, is addictive.
I could spend the whole day praising your beauty, I could spend an eternity admiring your character.
But what's the point?
Having you, holding you, feeling you, is all I ever need.
Like an elf, who only needs a glimpse of her home to last months away, I too, only need a short memory, a short period to remember, to recall, to take one step further.
Like Shakespeare, who immortalized a person with a poem, should I too, seal your place in the annals of history as the one I loved? Perhaps I already did.
Like the Trojan War, where a person became the object of war, should I too wage war, in so that your place as a person so many desired, that war seemed a small cost to pay to obtain you?
I do not want to own you whole. I do not want every bit of you. I do not want everything you are. For if I did, I would want you no more.
Mystery, was the thing you held over me. Curiousity, was the thing that made me fall to you.
Second writing,
"Missile! Missile! Bank and dodge!" The radio communication blared, and the gruff voice of the AWACS officer rang repeatedly in his ears.
Instantly his fingers gripped the controller tighter, and he could feel the vibration of the plane as he forced it to change direction. A trickle of sweat came, but it didn't flow down his face, as the force created by the movement of the plane easily countered the force of gravity.
"Missile, still on your tail! Bank or eject! I don't wanna lose another pilot today!"
"Oh just shut up! I ain't gonna die today!" The pilot cursed, and the plane started doing spins and loops to through the missile off trail.
He brought the plane closer to ground level, and flew into a maze-like canyon.
"AWACS, if you don't get my signal, it just means the canyon is interfering with the signal." The pilot spoke, and about some time later, the signal was lost.
The plane twisted and turned, constantly approaching close to the jagged rock walls of the canyon, in a deliberate attempt to make the missile hit the canyon walls, instead of the plane.
The pilot felt a rush of adrenalin, and a rush of blood through his body, as the plane entered different positions.
THe pilot smiled, "HAHA, told ya I'm not gonna die." He looked back, and watched the canyon walls.
The plane smashed into another side of the canyon.
-transmission lost-
Truth, may outshine all deceit. Deceit however, usually outlasts truth.
Truth, is 0. Any number above or below 0, is deceit. Truth, is rare. Truth, is nearly nonexistent.
Scientific method takes this into account, as such the lack of 'absolute truths' in our society today, where everything is debatable, or at least, should be debatable.
Truth, is an axiom. Truth, is unbreakable.
However, what we know as truth, is not the true truth.
Mankind has never witnessed true truth. For should we witness it, mankind will no longer be mankind.
Nihilistic rambling 2.
War. Death. Disease. Conflict.
All of these makes human, human. Those who desire for world peace, is indirectly want human to no longer be human. If we wish for world peace, we must sacrifice humanity itself.
Ramblings 3.
The environment is a wonderful teacher, it teaches many things, but it's up to us to select what relevant.
Games, taught me much of the world. They provided a glimpse, a short rendezvous with various fields of sciences, thought and philosophy.
Today, after a few of my friend's introduction, namely L3g3nd and ZJ (Lightning/TenSwords/FallenAngel) I finally approached MGS4's trailer, although I'm sceptical at first because I've never played any of the previous MGS.
While the graphic all those are wowing, and raiden looks cool etc, and Snake looks like an old man, I was more concerned with the story.
More importantly, I was interested in Arsenal Gear, and the Patriots and the Philosophers.
They highlighted a viewpoint I realized only partially, and never took the time to develop. The behaviour patterns of culture. The evolution and mutation of elements of culture.
Culture, was like evolution.
Meme. Herd mentality
It was a highly interesting topic, and I've yet to fully comprehend the scope of this topic.
Are we, being fed by the media, so our mindset, our perception are indirectly being coerced to evolve towards a certain direction? What is the intention of media?
The duplication and spread of cultural elements, through various vectors, and the extent of the impact of such introduction of new cultures...
All, while highly familiar, the new idea of culture as a 'living' being, brings an interesting viewpoint.
Enuf 'deep' stuff for today.
(This is partially to make up for the brainless FFXIII posts I made the past days.)
Jammed Fingers
I realized how slow my eye-hand response rate was, when i started playing the now famous... o2jam.
I, sincerely suck at the game.
Darn. Darn.
And for some reason, I love it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
FFXIII Version 2

 Here are more screens.
The gal is the main character for FFXIII
The guy is the main character of FF Versus XIII
They'd make a cute couple, don't you think?
(Fanboyism at work. Mangeka-style laugh)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
FFXIII Fabula Nova Crystallis



I'm well aware I normally don't post images... But today's a bloody exception.
Final Fantasy XIII, Ladies and gentlemen.
Check it out. NOW!
Oh ya. Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Dreaming Of Nothing
Aw fuck.
I hate it when I dream of something I don't know. It totally makes you dwell and wonder what, where and why you dreamt of it to begin with. It had no familiar faces, the place itself is unknown to me, the environment is foreign.
I can't tell you, but I've been trying to draw what I see in it.
To be honest, it seems like a scene out of the Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately, there's no scene in the advertisement that mildly resembles it.
Screw it.
I hope I don't get that 'deja vu' feeling when I somehow see this scene again in the future. The last thing I need is a return of prophetic vision.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Seas, oceans. 70% of our world is made of them.
Man's last resort, to escape the threat of a hostile world.
What if one day we will live underwater?
Monday, May 08, 2006
Well, I really wonder how I'm going to spend the next few days. I'm starting to think I'm becoming more and more workaholic.
I need something to do!
I'm fucking bored at home.
Well, granted I guess I'm starting to get used to fooling around in college and school, so.. yeah.. I'm bored.
Well, last time I used to spend hours at home, and enjoyed it. But that was because the school timetable was bloody predictable! And it was really really boring, so home didn't feel as boring. Besides, I don't really have much online games for me to spend my countless hours leveling up a bloody digital avatar on.
Anyone wanna go somewhere and just lepak? It's better than rotting at home playing the same game over and over again.
I wanna play PS2... My ace combat zero disc is sitting idle.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Note To Self 02
The world is stupid. Always has been. People are stupid. Always has been. Everything is stupid. It once wasn't.
Everything became stupid when humans came along.
That's all.
Notes To Self, 01
A spiteful letter to myself, when I'm behaving not the way I expect myself to behave. It curses whatever behaviour I find disconcerting moments later. It's self advice aimed at correcting and preventing future malpractice.
Back when a time long ago, when there was nothing to cloud our judgment, back then, when we were fair and just, back then, when we understood what it meant to be fair.
Today, fairness becomes a skewed perspective. A tool of those of the lazy, a tool of those who didn't build the right mindset for themselves.
It is unfair, for someone to be rewarded, when he fought hard and bloody for it?
Selfish Bitches and bastards, you know who the hell I'm talking about.
SHut the fuck up, and start correcting yourself. This problem is not my problem. It's yours. It's your bloody perspective that's skewed, that's incorrect. It's your mentality that is inefficient. It's your mindset that is poisoned.
People who give those who don't deserve, is also a bastard. It's blatant favouritism. You too, can go and fuck yourself. You deserve to be killed for whatever shit you have committed.
Don't be surprised, asshole. You are an ass. You are a jerk. You heard me?
You ain't worth shit. The more you keep complaining, the more you make me feel sick about you. Stop fucking complaining, and change.
Procrastinate, and I'm going to kick your ass. Whine, and someone else will whoop your arse. Bitch about it, and I'm going to kill you.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
High Performance Rides
Must be my lucky day today, or I just don't go out enough. (Obviously the latter...)
I saw a Lamborghini Gallardo or Murcielago (not sure, since didn't get close)! Lime green Color(and Green with envy)! On the streets of KL, revving up to get to the open roads!!! This happened along Jalan Ampang.
About some time later, I saw a metallic grey Ferrari (not really sure, but it had nice engine sounds) and a black Z4 (convertible) right behind the Ferrari. This happened near the old Istana area. Bangang, the Ferrari driver damn ganas man, just cut in between lorry and another car. (Seriously though, the sound of it's engine makes me swoon)
After that, I saw a few nice cars on the road, although they are actually just normal cars, but slightly modded/customized. Izit just me, but when I saw the SMART roadster, it reminded me of a Porshe.
Next time, I'm going to take a drive down the KLIA road every Saturday or Sunday, just to stalk these curvy, sexy cars. Oh, how much I wish to own one...
I saw a very very very very very fancy and cool rims today. And Shiny Shiny Chrome...
If KL wasn't so jammed, I bet cruising down the speedways with such cars is pure euphoria.
Car stalker sia...
Friday, May 05, 2006
Cavedog & Bullfrog
First of all, I screwed up my facts.
Total Annilhilation, was in fact, made by Cavedog, not Bullfrog. Sorry Daniel.
Which leads me to ask a question.
What happened to the 2 studios!
----- Wikipedia To The Rescue!
Cavedog's Parent Company, Humungous, was bought over by Infogrammes/Atari. However, it's founder founded Gas Powered Games. So technically, the spirit of Cavedog lives on!
Gas Powered Games released Dungeon Siege 1 and 2.
Supreme Commander, which is under development, looks set to be Total Annihilation's spirit successor.
Turns out Theme Hospital is actually a bullfrog production! ^^ It also produced/developed Populous (god game) and Dungeon Keeper.
It's founder, Molyneux went on the found Lionhead Studios.
Populous was technically continued by Black and White. Lionhead also developed Fable.
It seems to prove that people who used to make great games, always continue to make great games.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Will Of The Digital City God!
Well, it turns out a classmate of mine has Sim City 2000 installed in her PDA.
It's been a long time since I played Sim City 2000.
The last time was... 2004. (although I started playing since 1997/98, about the time when I was playing the first red alert and C&C, of course with starcraft coming up some time later)
I used to play it when I was small, since it came in the same package other Sim games like (it was some sort of 20 in 1 CD)
1, Simpark (stupid game),
2. Simtown(another stupid game),
3. Theme Hospital(beware the grim reaper, it fucking cool that you get to pop people's head, and you see noobs dressing like elvis for fucks. Also, it was bloody cool that you get to built all these 'torture devices'),
4. Outpost(MTFK! This game is very linear, it's hard to do anything special with this game. Low level of interactivity. BORING),
5. Enterprise(I learned basic concepts of profit and loss, debt and loan usage, interest rates here. In short, I learned really a lot about business from this small game. ) (No. Try it. It's fun, it'll help alot)
6. Sim Safari (or something lidat) - MY DISC BROKE! FUCK FUCK FUCK. This game was awesome when I played it.
7. Sim Tower (Another game that has awesome concept of real estate, though surreal.)
8. Sim Copter (This game was uber l33t in idea and stuff. You can make your own maps! It generates your terrain using the maps from Sim City 2000. How many games back then can do this) However, this game was highly unstable, which ruined the feeling. (oh yeah, you get to fly an apache. That's farking cool. It shoots missiles, and machine guns. OWNAGE Like fuck. FOr a game that age, it had decent graphics, and there were bloopers. You'd get to meet alien UFOs on certain times and cases. I even shot one down!)
9. Caesar III. (Sad to say I didn't get through the later levels with my own ability, instead I used cheat. Didn't have the patience to do the same thing over and over again. But this game rules, in the way that it had an awesome way of game)
10. Zeus(didn't get the expansion, poseidon). (the reason why I know very much about age old lore. It presented everything in a way that always made me ask, who's this someone. I knew about Jason and the Argonauts, Achilles, Hercules/Heracles. It's also here I learned about the trojan war.)
11. Pharoah. I didn't enjoy it as much, since Zeus was better designed compared to this, but on it's own, it's pretty decent.
12. Emperor. The china version. I got it in 2003. Played a while, bored, threw it aside.
13. SIM CITY 3000. Now, this is FUN. FUN FUNFUNFUNFUNFUN. It doesn't get too easy as in Sim city 2000, it has a lot of small things that made it fun. I enjoyed the game far more than any other Sim City game I've ever played. Also, it's music is very beautiful. It's jazzy, techno and ambient styles was wondrous.
14. Sim City 4. Too graphically intensive, and too long. I want fast games, usually.
15. Civilization 2, 3 and 4. ( I know this is a turnbasedstrategy, but I've always considered the empire development part highly critical) I played, and the turns start to wear me down. I wish they can just skip some of the worker movements. I heard this was done in Civilization 5, but I didn't get it.
16. Sim Golf - I didn't know golf before this game came along. Seriously. Before this game, I had no idea how the hell golf was played.
17. Mob Rule - The concept is simple, built house, breed worker, breed gangsters, take gangster, blow the shit out of the enemy family. I guess that's why they have the KISS concept. It fucking works. And it's funny. You can't beat humor and sadism. Serious. I was playing this game well into 2005
18. Hmm. What tycoon games I've played.... Really forgot already. Roller Coaster tycoon, theme park world... resort tycoon... er.... forgot. Whatever. Not many tycoon games were fun anyhow.
I think there are more, but I think alll the above would have overloaded you with too much useless info.
Simulation and building games are fun, and actually are highly educational.
---- Edit: AW FUCK!
Forgot one very awesome simulation game also.
(torture is fun. beating guys up is fun. Aiming a laser at a person's head is fun. Watching spies drop into your sadistic evil traps is fun. Watching how your cannons blast the shit out of raiding troops is fun. Watching flesh eating trees and plants rip spies into shreds is fun. Wrecking international havoc and chaos is fun. In fact, Evil is fun.)
(Laughs like some maniacal evil genius)
Now that I have you in my trap, Mr Bond, let me tell you how I plan to destroy the world, before I kill you. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA.
Admittedly, Evil Genius isn't entirely educational, but hell lot of fun, and has some awesome music. I want!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Here's A Song For Today
Kenny G - How could an angel break my heart
Aquamarine Skies
I really wonder, when will our skies be clear again?
My childhood was spent in a land where the skies was very clear, or very dark. It was like a pendulum, it slowly swings from one to the other, with short intervals in between.
Tell me, why is the sky so pretty when it's blue? Tell me, why is the sky so alluring when there's a moon? Tell me, why is the sky so captivating at night? Tell me, how many times you've seen a rainbow this year? (I've seen 2, so far) Tell me, how many times, you've stopped just to see the scenery?
Just take your time to observe. There is nothing to lose for just letting everything go, and feel happy. There's nothing to lose, from admiring how beautiful the sky is. It's highly refreshing, and the sight of the sky slowly lighting up every morning has a certain taste of a new beginning.
Every day is a new day.
It's always been a new day.
Why do we make it like just any other day?
Thanatos: Because I've lived so many days, that every day seems the same. Devil (Belial): Because time is insignificant, and days are merely a flicker.
Wake up, with all of it behind you.
Thanatos: And it shall whisper and haunt you. Belial: And it shall stab you where you cannot see.
Oh shut up! Stop interrupting me!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
gNp Fall3n is a gay ass
gNp Fall3n = AWP WHORE! MTFK...
Today we had a sort of CC gathering. Originally planned to meet up with some other oso, but nvm.
7 of us.
We played...
CS:S. Note to self 1.
gNp Fall3n and r0ri/sora kenot be in the same team. I also learned sean392 is also a gay CS:Ser.
Hmm.. played few games.
5 person free-for-all. I won in the end. ^^
MAP: Big game hunter
Carrier + Arbiter + Corsair = Owned.
My first attack was very fun, although I was very scared that someone was going to stab me from the back.
I sent Zealots + Dragoons up front, while my carrier fleet came from the back.. LOLZ>
CSS again.
LOLZ. kena owned.
Need For Speed Most Wanted. 2 races.
I won both. LOLZ. (maybe they weren't too used to it yet.)
FIrst race. 4 person race, I used SLK. Second race. 1 on 1. Cayman S vs Lamborghini. Cayman S > Lambo ---
Monday, May 29, 2006
I'm looking to get a gamer's keyboard.
I heard it costs about RM100+..
Why? What makes it so different?
Well, how many keys can u press at the same time?
Well, apparently, mine is about 4 - 5.
That, is no good. VERY NO GOOD. Why? Most of the time, I missed a lot of keys in o2jam because my keyboard got stuck. Stuck, as in, i pressed the key, but it didn't read. LOLZ.
Darned Fuck.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
They Just Had To Make it sound so damn cool
How many games out will somehow pop up with a word that you don't understand?
Well. It so much shows that Ace Combat... has one hell of a storywriter.
Tell me, you know what the meaning of these 2 words?
Well, I had no idea with the first one, and only a slight remembrance of the first word. Quite few non-rpg games out there can do that, seriously. (oh ya, the dictionary is useful)
Oh ya,
I love this phrase. The way they said it was very very.. nice.
Belkan Priority One Strategic Airspace, B 7 R, aka, the round table.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Oh my. Morgan is such a BITCH.
I spent 2 hours trying again and again to screw the bitch out of the sky.
Darn it.
Man, such a hard and tight asshole of a fight man!
And you can't hit her from the back! That's so unfair.
They just have to complicate stuff.
Surprisingly, Morgan's name comes from the witch in Arthurian legend. Morgan Le Fay, who also happens to be Arthur's sister, if I recall properly.
No wonder she's a bitch.
But at the end, I finally shot her down.
Stupid ADFX-02, Codenamed Morgan.
Stupid lasers and burst missiles.
Stupid FARKING irritating RETARDED despicable ECM!
Friday, May 26, 2006
I got a wee bit too bored today, so I decided to play the VERY ANCIENT game called... Homeworld.
I don't know about you, but I find something strangely satisfying about having a fleet of hundreds of ion cannon frigates, destroyers and other heavy guns hyperspace jump to the back of their mothership, and boom..
Oh, visual candy, despite being a very old game... of countless lasers firing repeatedly. Not many games protray space chaos in a more beautiful way.
With proper modding, that game can actually replicate the Star Wars space battles... (That would be so l33t)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Ace Combat Zero
Finally get to play! ^^
Very happy.
First run starting now.
'My first impression was, well, he's got potential.'
Ace Combat Zero has wondrous storytelling, I must say. It's beautiful. It's wondrous. It's captivating. It's lovely.
'I'm telling you, we're gonna get along just fine.'
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Study.... NOT!
Study, or not study. That, is the question...
Of course study, right? Well, it ain't that easy, ain't it?
FOrce yourself to study, and it doesn't work..
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Silent Hill 4 Soundtrack
It's quite cool, although it's VERY darn emo, and VERY darn creepy, and VERY VERY sad.
My favourite song inside...
"Waiting For You" by Akira Yamoaka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn(who's also in Ace Combat 5)
"Melancholy Requiem" Nice song, if you're in the mood to hurt someone. =)
"Cradel Of Forest" Kinda funky also...
Nightmarish Waltz, kinda weird...
"Your Rain" Akira and Mary again, kinda nice...
"Room Of Angel" It's really a sad kind of song, but then, it's a sad game. It's even in the bloody lyrics.. 'There's nothing you can do, so sleep, in your only memory, of me, my dearest mother, here's a lullaby to close your eyes, it was always you that I despised, I don't feel it, not for you to cry..." (lame lyrics also, but abuthen, most of the time, u only listen to this kind of songs when u're in the uber+ultra+emo+angsty mood, that lameness doesn't rly matter)
Monday, May 22, 2006
Stop Swinging!
Restless is a good word to describe how I'm feeling right now...
Well, dunno why.
Haha. I hope they call me soon. I'm rotting here.
Monkey Wrench
Is it right for me to do it? No such thing is right and wrong. History is written by the victor, never to losers.
Am I in the position to do it? Not really. The links are not strong enough. Do I have the resources and skills to do it? Hmm. This is hard to self-assess.
What is the plan?
Working on it.
This is intricate, and P&C
How to proceed?
As above
How many backup plans? As many as possible Who to inform of such plans? No one. Trust no one, when the risks are high, and margin of error is low.
Consequences of such a plan? I might get into a lot of trouble. Who cares though? It'll make me feel so much for content, and satisfied.
Project Monkey Wrench 1, in development.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Explosion Brink
I am going to blow up very soon.
All that...
Suppressed................................ ERGH
Wanna kill someone. Just want to kill, maim, torture, squash, step on, decimate, annihilate, cull, defile, derogate, torment, and bring a world of suffering to someone.
Who is that someone?
Well, met up with lots of my ex-schoolmates today.
Then we went to watch a movie and CC.
Owning Noobs is fun.
13-2 with tormented soul, 3 on 3. HAHA. (partly cos i kill steal abit lar..) First time used diffusal blade, and man it's farking good. As u know la, the tormented soul's stun got a bit delay one.. sigh, so diffusal to slow, then poof.. haha.
My fren(opponent) , was a death prophet, a chen and rhasta. (the prophet was a noob, so we all agreed not to hunt him.
My team, me as tormented soul, my fren as a drow ranger (if not for his silence, i'd be dead.) and another fren as balanar(nightstalker) <--- newbie, so he was feeding... feeding Nightstalker.. how often do u see that... I wonder. (but fun all round)
HAHA. tormented soul is so fun (partly cos i had dagon.. and comboed with all the other spells this freak has...), and the diffusal is soooo useful.
later on we played Condition Zero (aka Cs1.6)
lolz. AWPmap.. fuknatnya.... (lol.. this was darn stupid.. though i got more kills than anyone, cos they aren't really Sora or Fallenangel's level of cssers) (sora and Fallen are both clanned cssers, so.. fighting them = die) ICeworld... farknat again... (my team's lead killer, partly cos both of my teammates ain't the cssing type)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Farking BOREDZ.
Sincerely. I am very very very bored.
Stupid short attention span.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Epoch Of Wavering Faith
At certain times, we take that moment to look and remininsce on what we've become, and end up being so shocked at what we are now.
This is something very interesting, because I have a habit of writing some of my ideas, theories and philosophies in a book, and when I look back, it turns out how I thought of stuff now, was radically different.
In a way it reminded me of the boiling frog parable the paper 5 introduced to us.
When the shift was gradual, I didn't reject or try to shift back.
Perhaps in time, I will not be what I am now.
In a way, I find that reassuring.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hmm. Looks Like I AM going to be a bachelor
Serious family quarrels in view. His independence does not tolerate marriage very well. If he does marry, he has little chance of finishing his days with the spouse, unless the partner gives him complete freedom and accepts his unfaithfulness. Marries for love, to show the depth of his passion, but has a troubled conjugal life.In one-to-one relationships, Gemini rising people often seek a certain amount of personal freedom and space. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. Although they often demand a fair amount of freedom, they are often just as willing to give their partners room to breathe.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Here's A Line
You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.
Somehow this is a very interesting line.
Hmm, what am i going to do...
I saw the veronica's video. Their quite cute, with their thick red lipstick and eyeliner. Looks ubergoth, and somehow cute.
Other than that, nothing much to blog about.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Some Small Stuff I Found After Got A Little Too Curious
General behavior: Capricorn (the goat) is the most serious of all the zodiac signs. You are independent and (usually) confident. You have a tendency to criticize yourself too much, which can lead to low self-esteem. Capricorns are dependable, but also extremely cautious. You make a fair, but stubborn leader, and this is a job that you can do well. You are very well organized, so you can handle many projects at once. You may go through horrible mood swings, being friendly one moment and mean the next. Romantic behavior: You maintain good relations with members of the opposite sex. You make good and true friends. You are capable of deep and passionate affections. However, in your search for greener pastures, you sometimes switch partners too quickly. Be discreet with the opposite sex as you can face some unpleasant situations. Important Information on Capricornians
Friday, May 12, 2006
Do We Need Titles?
Hmm.. Dunno why I wanted to write this story, but I did anyhow. Just had the mood for writing stories.
Walking down this dusty, uneven road, reminds me of what it has been to travel through life with you by my side. Looking into the dark horizon, at dusk when the sky is a mix of blue, orange, red and violet, it seems that since you came, what was once a monochrome sky, became one of many palettes of shades and hues. Oh, the vibrance, the energy that comes with your presence, is addictive.
I could spend the whole day praising your beauty, I could spend an eternity admiring your character.
But what's the point?
Having you, holding you, feeling you, is all I ever need.
Like an elf, who only needs a glimpse of her home to last months away, I too, only need a short memory, a short period to remember, to recall, to take one step further.
Like Shakespeare, who immortalized a person with a poem, should I too, seal your place in the annals of history as the one I loved? Perhaps I already did.
Like the Trojan War, where a person became the object of war, should I too wage war, in so that your place as a person so many desired, that war seemed a small cost to pay to obtain you?
I do not want to own you whole. I do not want every bit of you. I do not want everything you are. For if I did, I would want you no more.
Mystery, was the thing you held over me. Curiousity, was the thing that made me fall to you.
Second writing,
"Missile! Missile! Bank and dodge!" The radio communication blared, and the gruff voice of the AWACS officer rang repeatedly in his ears.
Instantly his fingers gripped the controller tighter, and he could feel the vibration of the plane as he forced it to change direction. A trickle of sweat came, but it didn't flow down his face, as the force created by the movement of the plane easily countered the force of gravity.
"Missile, still on your tail! Bank or eject! I don't wanna lose another pilot today!"
"Oh just shut up! I ain't gonna die today!" The pilot cursed, and the plane started doing spins and loops to through the missile off trail.
He brought the plane closer to ground level, and flew into a maze-like canyon.
"AWACS, if you don't get my signal, it just means the canyon is interfering with the signal." The pilot spoke, and about some time later, the signal was lost.
The plane twisted and turned, constantly approaching close to the jagged rock walls of the canyon, in a deliberate attempt to make the missile hit the canyon walls, instead of the plane.
The pilot felt a rush of adrenalin, and a rush of blood through his body, as the plane entered different positions.
THe pilot smiled, "HAHA, told ya I'm not gonna die." He looked back, and watched the canyon walls.
The plane smashed into another side of the canyon.
-transmission lost-
Truth, may outshine all deceit. Deceit however, usually outlasts truth.
Truth, is 0. Any number above or below 0, is deceit. Truth, is rare. Truth, is nearly nonexistent.
Scientific method takes this into account, as such the lack of 'absolute truths' in our society today, where everything is debatable, or at least, should be debatable.
Truth, is an axiom. Truth, is unbreakable.
However, what we know as truth, is not the true truth.
Mankind has never witnessed true truth. For should we witness it, mankind will no longer be mankind.
Nihilistic rambling 2.
War. Death. Disease. Conflict.
All of these makes human, human. Those who desire for world peace, is indirectly want human to no longer be human. If we wish for world peace, we must sacrifice humanity itself.
Ramblings 3.
The environment is a wonderful teacher, it teaches many things, but it's up to us to select what relevant.
Games, taught me much of the world. They provided a glimpse, a short rendezvous with various fields of sciences, thought and philosophy.
Today, after a few of my friend's introduction, namely L3g3nd and ZJ (Lightning/TenSwords/FallenAngel) I finally approached MGS4's trailer, although I'm sceptical at first because I've never played any of the previous MGS.
While the graphic all those are wowing, and raiden looks cool etc, and Snake looks like an old man, I was more concerned with the story.
More importantly, I was interested in Arsenal Gear, and the Patriots and the Philosophers.
They highlighted a viewpoint I realized only partially, and never took the time to develop. The behaviour patterns of culture. The evolution and mutation of elements of culture.
Culture, was like evolution.
Meme. Herd mentality
It was a highly interesting topic, and I've yet to fully comprehend the scope of this topic.
Are we, being fed by the media, so our mindset, our perception are indirectly being coerced to evolve towards a certain direction? What is the intention of media?
The duplication and spread of cultural elements, through various vectors, and the extent of the impact of such introduction of new cultures...
All, while highly familiar, the new idea of culture as a 'living' being, brings an interesting viewpoint.
Enuf 'deep' stuff for today.
(This is partially to make up for the brainless FFXIII posts I made the past days.)
Jammed Fingers
I realized how slow my eye-hand response rate was, when i started playing the now famous... o2jam.
I, sincerely suck at the game.
Darn. Darn.
And for some reason, I love it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
FFXIII Version 2
 Here are more screens.
The gal is the main character for FFXIII
The guy is the main character of FF Versus XIII
They'd make a cute couple, don't you think?
(Fanboyism at work. Mangeka-style laugh)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
FFXIII Fabula Nova Crystallis
  I'm well aware I normally don't post images... But today's a bloody exception.
Final Fantasy XIII, Ladies and gentlemen.
Check it out. NOW!
Oh ya. Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Dreaming Of Nothing
Aw fuck.
I hate it when I dream of something I don't know. It totally makes you dwell and wonder what, where and why you dreamt of it to begin with. It had no familiar faces, the place itself is unknown to me, the environment is foreign.
I can't tell you, but I've been trying to draw what I see in it.
To be honest, it seems like a scene out of the Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately, there's no scene in the advertisement that mildly resembles it.
Screw it.
I hope I don't get that 'deja vu' feeling when I somehow see this scene again in the future. The last thing I need is a return of prophetic vision.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Seas, oceans. 70% of our world is made of them.
Man's last resort, to escape the threat of a hostile world.
What if one day we will live underwater?
Monday, May 08, 2006
Well, I really wonder how I'm going to spend the next few days. I'm starting to think I'm becoming more and more workaholic.
I need something to do!
I'm fucking bored at home.
Well, granted I guess I'm starting to get used to fooling around in college and school, so.. yeah.. I'm bored.
Well, last time I used to spend hours at home, and enjoyed it. But that was because the school timetable was bloody predictable! And it was really really boring, so home didn't feel as boring. Besides, I don't really have much online games for me to spend my countless hours leveling up a bloody digital avatar on.
Anyone wanna go somewhere and just lepak? It's better than rotting at home playing the same game over and over again.
I wanna play PS2... My ace combat zero disc is sitting idle.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Note To Self 02
The world is stupid. Always has been. People are stupid. Always has been. Everything is stupid. It once wasn't.
Everything became stupid when humans came along.
That's all.
Notes To Self, 01
A spiteful letter to myself, when I'm behaving not the way I expect myself to behave. It curses whatever behaviour I find disconcerting moments later. It's self advice aimed at correcting and preventing future malpractice.
Back when a time long ago, when there was nothing to cloud our judgment, back then, when we were fair and just, back then, when we understood what it meant to be fair.
Today, fairness becomes a skewed perspective. A tool of those of the lazy, a tool of those who didn't build the right mindset for themselves.
It is unfair, for someone to be rewarded, when he fought hard and bloody for it?
Selfish Bitches and bastards, you know who the hell I'm talking about.
SHut the fuck up, and start correcting yourself. This problem is not my problem. It's yours. It's your bloody perspective that's skewed, that's incorrect. It's your mentality that is inefficient. It's your mindset that is poisoned.
People who give those who don't deserve, is also a bastard. It's blatant favouritism. You too, can go and fuck yourself. You deserve to be killed for whatever shit you have committed.
Don't be surprised, asshole. You are an ass. You are a jerk. You heard me?
You ain't worth shit. The more you keep complaining, the more you make me feel sick about you. Stop fucking complaining, and change.
Procrastinate, and I'm going to kick your ass. Whine, and someone else will whoop your arse. Bitch about it, and I'm going to kill you.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
High Performance Rides
Must be my lucky day today, or I just don't go out enough. (Obviously the latter...)
I saw a Lamborghini Gallardo or Murcielago (not sure, since didn't get close)! Lime green Color(and Green with envy)! On the streets of KL, revving up to get to the open roads!!! This happened along Jalan Ampang.
About some time later, I saw a metallic grey Ferrari (not really sure, but it had nice engine sounds) and a black Z4 (convertible) right behind the Ferrari. This happened near the old Istana area. Bangang, the Ferrari driver damn ganas man, just cut in between lorry and another car. (Seriously though, the sound of it's engine makes me swoon)
After that, I saw a few nice cars on the road, although they are actually just normal cars, but slightly modded/customized. Izit just me, but when I saw the SMART roadster, it reminded me of a Porshe.
Next time, I'm going to take a drive down the KLIA road every Saturday or Sunday, just to stalk these curvy, sexy cars. Oh, how much I wish to own one...
I saw a very very very very very fancy and cool rims today. And Shiny Shiny Chrome...
If KL wasn't so jammed, I bet cruising down the speedways with such cars is pure euphoria.
Car stalker sia...
Friday, May 05, 2006
Cavedog & Bullfrog
First of all, I screwed up my facts.
Total Annilhilation, was in fact, made by Cavedog, not Bullfrog. Sorry Daniel.
Which leads me to ask a question.
What happened to the 2 studios!
----- Wikipedia To The Rescue!
Cavedog's Parent Company, Humungous, was bought over by Infogrammes/Atari. However, it's founder founded Gas Powered Games. So technically, the spirit of Cavedog lives on!
Gas Powered Games released Dungeon Siege 1 and 2.
Supreme Commander, which is under development, looks set to be Total Annihilation's spirit successor.
Turns out Theme Hospital is actually a bullfrog production! ^^ It also produced/developed Populous (god game) and Dungeon Keeper.
It's founder, Molyneux went on the found Lionhead Studios.
Populous was technically continued by Black and White. Lionhead also developed Fable.
It seems to prove that people who used to make great games, always continue to make great games.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Will Of The Digital City God!
Well, it turns out a classmate of mine has Sim City 2000 installed in her PDA.
It's been a long time since I played Sim City 2000.
The last time was... 2004. (although I started playing since 1997/98, about the time when I was playing the first red alert and C&C, of course with starcraft coming up some time later)
I used to play it when I was small, since it came in the same package other Sim games like (it was some sort of 20 in 1 CD)
1, Simpark (stupid game),
2. Simtown(another stupid game),
3. Theme Hospital(beware the grim reaper, it fucking cool that you get to pop people's head, and you see noobs dressing like elvis for fucks. Also, it was bloody cool that you get to built all these 'torture devices'),
4. Outpost(MTFK! This game is very linear, it's hard to do anything special with this game. Low level of interactivity. BORING),
5. Enterprise(I learned basic concepts of profit and loss, debt and loan usage, interest rates here. In short, I learned really a lot about business from this small game. ) (No. Try it. It's fun, it'll help alot)
6. Sim Safari (or something lidat) - MY DISC BROKE! FUCK FUCK FUCK. This game was awesome when I played it.
7. Sim Tower (Another game that has awesome concept of real estate, though surreal.)
8. Sim Copter (This game was uber l33t in idea and stuff. You can make your own maps! It generates your terrain using the maps from Sim City 2000. How many games back then can do this) However, this game was highly unstable, which ruined the feeling. (oh yeah, you get to fly an apache. That's farking cool. It shoots missiles, and machine guns. OWNAGE Like fuck. FOr a game that age, it had decent graphics, and there were bloopers. You'd get to meet alien UFOs on certain times and cases. I even shot one down!)
9. Caesar III. (Sad to say I didn't get through the later levels with my own ability, instead I used cheat. Didn't have the patience to do the same thing over and over again. But this game rules, in the way that it had an awesome way of game)
10. Zeus(didn't get the expansion, poseidon). (the reason why I know very much about age old lore. It presented everything in a way that always made me ask, who's this someone. I knew about Jason and the Argonauts, Achilles, Hercules/Heracles. It's also here I learned about the trojan war.)
11. Pharoah. I didn't enjoy it as much, since Zeus was better designed compared to this, but on it's own, it's pretty decent.
12. Emperor. The china version. I got it in 2003. Played a while, bored, threw it aside.
13. SIM CITY 3000. Now, this is FUN. FUN FUNFUNFUNFUNFUN. It doesn't get too easy as in Sim city 2000, it has a lot of small things that made it fun. I enjoyed the game far more than any other Sim City game I've ever played. Also, it's music is very beautiful. It's jazzy, techno and ambient styles was wondrous.
14. Sim City 4. Too graphically intensive, and too long. I want fast games, usually.
15. Civilization 2, 3 and 4. ( I know this is a turnbasedstrategy, but I've always considered the empire development part highly critical) I played, and the turns start to wear me down. I wish they can just skip some of the worker movements. I heard this was done in Civilization 5, but I didn't get it.
16. Sim Golf - I didn't know golf before this game came along. Seriously. Before this game, I had no idea how the hell golf was played.
17. Mob Rule - The concept is simple, built house, breed worker, breed gangsters, take gangster, blow the shit out of the enemy family. I guess that's why they have the KISS concept. It fucking works. And it's funny. You can't beat humor and sadism. Serious. I was playing this game well into 2005
18. Hmm. What tycoon games I've played.... Really forgot already. Roller Coaster tycoon, theme park world... resort tycoon... er.... forgot. Whatever. Not many tycoon games were fun anyhow.
I think there are more, but I think alll the above would have overloaded you with too much useless info.
Simulation and building games are fun, and actually are highly educational.
---- Edit: AW FUCK!
Forgot one very awesome simulation game also.
(torture is fun. beating guys up is fun. Aiming a laser at a person's head is fun. Watching spies drop into your sadistic evil traps is fun. Watching how your cannons blast the shit out of raiding troops is fun. Watching flesh eating trees and plants rip spies into shreds is fun. Wrecking international havoc and chaos is fun. In fact, Evil is fun.)
(Laughs like some maniacal evil genius)
Now that I have you in my trap, Mr Bond, let me tell you how I plan to destroy the world, before I kill you. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA.
Admittedly, Evil Genius isn't entirely educational, but hell lot of fun, and has some awesome music. I want!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Here's A Song For Today
Kenny G - How could an angel break my heart
Aquamarine Skies
I really wonder, when will our skies be clear again?
My childhood was spent in a land where the skies was very clear, or very dark. It was like a pendulum, it slowly swings from one to the other, with short intervals in between.
Tell me, why is the sky so pretty when it's blue? Tell me, why is the sky so alluring when there's a moon? Tell me, why is the sky so captivating at night? Tell me, how many times you've seen a rainbow this year? (I've seen 2, so far) Tell me, how many times, you've stopped just to see the scenery?
Just take your time to observe. There is nothing to lose for just letting everything go, and feel happy. There's nothing to lose, from admiring how beautiful the sky is. It's highly refreshing, and the sight of the sky slowly lighting up every morning has a certain taste of a new beginning.
Every day is a new day.
It's always been a new day.
Why do we make it like just any other day?
Thanatos: Because I've lived so many days, that every day seems the same. Devil (Belial): Because time is insignificant, and days are merely a flicker.
Wake up, with all of it behind you.
Thanatos: And it shall whisper and haunt you. Belial: And it shall stab you where you cannot see.
Oh shut up! Stop interrupting me!
Dark Lord Of All Things Mortal
People, generally.
Mix the words up.
You have my thanks.
Blogskin created by Eclair, yours truly.
Base codings courtesy of Hilary, from her skin take to the sky. Inspiration also came from the same friend. :)
Picture belongs to muszka of Devianart, added, by myself, with thinking bubble and text.
Best viewed in 1026 x 768 pixels screen resolution, Mozilla Firefox.