Thursday, August 31, 2006
Chappie 3
3rd Chappie, cause I'm in the mood to write. ^____^ Hahhaa, damn suang lar these days. Write until siao d. (actualy i wrote this right after the previous post, but then, someone ask me play dota.. so it's not yet complete mar... hahaha) (chapter 4 when the time comes, k?)
Haha. Mr Jay will give me the coffee on MONDAY. HAHA. Wheeeeee!!!!!
Damon msgs Antoine, after a period of time (about a week or so) from the previous chapter. Damon, comes a realization that what he does is quite pointless. (that's the summary, actually)
Hey, Ant. You there?
Never mind.
I'm really down these days.
You know the feeling well, don't you? The feeling of not being appreciated? Yeah. I bet you do. That's what drove you to your online pals anyway. That's what drove you to find a group that shares your feelings.
It's really selfish, in a way, for them to expect us to give them attention, and care, but not repaying it. I guess I'm one of you, now.
Perhaps, they don't need it. Perhaps, in their eyes, my attention means nothing. If so, I agree that why should I keep giving it to them? Why pour water on desert sand, why give love to a heartless woman?
But I'd still want to believe in that desert there's an oasis, I'd still want to believe that somewhere, a part of that cold frozen heart is still warm.
Yet, when such tests are given, such trials are placed on me, where my patience is tested, my endurance gauged, I'm slowly coming to realize the things this cruel world really is about.
Haiz... Guess this is me going emo. Wanna go for a drink someday, Ant?
Antoine's reply. Realizing that he had a part in debunking Damon's idealism and naivety, he feels a little guilty, even though all he did was advise
You've been through much, man. It's not wrong to look through the world with such a happy eye, to see the world as what it is, and what is could be.
Perhaps at that part, I was at a wrong.
Your idealism isn't because you didn't experience stuff. It's there because you've seen too much.
I'd like to believe what you'd believe. I'd like to think we'd all have a chance to live happily ever after, I'd like to think we're all gonna be happy at the end.
I guess I became somewhat bitter because it was not attainable in my eyes, and I gave up on trying.
It's because of the idealism of people like you that the world keeps improving. It's because of your effort people are willing to spend time helping, hopefully one day that others would follow suit.
It wasn't your fault, Damon. It was everyone else's. They didn't see your future sight. They didn't share your utopian vision.
Everyone else was blinded. Everyone was too caught up in what the world has to offer.
They've given up on that dream far away. Shangri-la, was located in Hell. The path to Paradise is one that's treacherous and dangerous, and not everyone, had your patience, not everyone had your virtues to make it.
I guess it's lonely to you, when you're enjoying heaven, while the people around you are in hell. The people in hell are the jealous ones, but they are the one trying hide what they cannot be.
So, cheer up. It's not your fault. It's not wrong to wish people could be better. It's not wrong to wish they could be loved, and love in return.
That drink? When? It's on me, if you want it.
Ant, out.
Omg. i'm possessed. The last time i felt like this was when I was writing my Naruto fanfic. Hahaha. Couldn't stop my bloody hand from typing.
0 voices
Some people are born with the gift to create beauty,
Some people are have the flair with words and phrases,
Some people have the midas touch, turning lead to gold.
Btw. check this picture out.
(for spaceart fans only)
Stargaze II
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Hahaha, Good Game
Lolz, the DotA craze is BACK.
Hahhaa. Damn fun ler bullying... HAHAHAHA. But when kena bully that time pulak tak syiok lor....
Haha, nice game, choon oon, sui yuan and gang.
DotA, DotA, DotA... okay, now this is saddening. Lolz.
DOTA.. fuck.
The new Malaysian theme.
Fikir DotA, Cakap DotA, Main Banyak DotA.
(copyrighted by me. Any usage would have to pay a royalty of RM1 for time spoken, written, or read)
0 voices
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Chappie 2
here's a continuation, since I'm having truckloads of free time. (actually i have chores and tax, but who cares)
Currently Playing : Gary Cao Ge - Shi Jie Wei Yi De Ni. (world's only you, direct translation. lolz)
Jesse McCartney - Because You Live (due to kacy's blog keep playing the damn I'm hooked)
-Chappie 2-
(D replies to A), and (A replies back to D later)1
Damon's REply.
It's hard to let go. It's not that easy, when she keeps playing it like that. A moment it felt like it could happen, a moment later it felt like I'm just got a death penalty on my head. Wonderful, ain't it? I'm meant that in a sarcastic manner, by the way.
How's about your side? Heard about you getting the silent treatment from them. Looks like I'm not the only one in a pile of shit, no? But then again, it's not like you care. You probably are more consumed in your online pals so much that they don't really matter, no?
Then again, you probably know you'd probably get in to deep, and just it's plain asking for trouble.
I know you've heard stuff, I know you've heard the rumours, but you know that negative words spread faster than the wind.
Yeah... I guess I need to stop trying to change them. It's pointless. But you know, I keep hoping that someday they realize, I keep hoping someday they'd know, that somehow, they'd see the light.
Hahaha, but I do generally agree with your statement that they are a bunch of leeches, but then, I'm finding it hard to get rid of them, willingly. It's against my conscience, that I should reject them for their shortcomings.
Aren't friends supposed to accept them for their negative elements? Wasn't there a saying, 'Like a person for their strengths, love them for their weaknesses?'
Besides, for all their shortcomings, I do see some gems, some rough diamonds in them.
Signed, Damon.
Antoine's Reply
I find it easier to be honest about my problems with people that I don't know, people that can't hurt me back. That's why I cherish them so much, because my anonymity and theirs, makes me more willing to divulge my personal problems. Besides, it can't hurt me physically, can it? It's just a bunch of bits and bytes from someone half a world away.
Back on topic,
Seriously, you need to stop looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. You're being too idealistic.
Not everyone is so willing to change.
Some would rather die than change themselves willingly, despite knowing the effects of not changing. The day some of them would actually change, is the day pigs fly, and the day seawater turns to wine.
The only time when they would change, is when circumstances FORCE them to change. These people would wait for the last damned minute to make themselves better.
Change is constant. Change is synonymous with time. However, these people are the bunch that just LOVES to waste TOO MUCH time. Time, when wasted, is equal to oppurtunity lost.
My friend. It's morally right to accept them for what they are, but think about it.
Why? What for?
Save yourself the effort of helping those who don't deserve it. There are better avenues for your charitable deeds.
Rough diamonds? You know that's bullshit, right?
You know the effort put into making a rough diamond in a diamond, right? All that for a small thing, that won't do much to you.
Man. Set your standards higher. There are people who's worth all the work you've done. Frankly, right now, it's not them.
Hahaha, It's been so looooong since I've gotten so involved in writing again, it's so much fun, putting yourself in the shoes of imaginary people, in imaginary situations.
0 voices
Monday, August 28, 2006
Food For Thought
First part of a little fiction i'm working on,
It's about 2 guys, who separated after school, each having their own experience, each leading their own lives, talking to each other through face-to-face, email, on9, and other mediums.
Chapter 1.
A Band Of Brothers.
Dear Damon,
Reading through all that, makes me feel a little angry, actually.
Whenever you feel it's not worth it, it probably is not worth it. Don't go in deceiving yourself that, perhaps somehow, it's worth all that shit.
No. It isn't. Never was, never will be.
No bitch is worth that kind of trouble. You get me?
Think of it this way.
If you do get her, what next? She's just gonna make life bloody miserable for you. If she's like that NOW, imagine what she'll be like when she's MARRIED to you. Man, your life would be so bloody saddening, that I can assure you, that you'll go around driving an old dilapidated vehicle, and work the living daylights out of your life just to finance her sprees.
Hell, someday, when you are actually SOBER, you'll look at yourself and said, 'not going after her, is the best thing I've ever did.'
Besides, I think if you do get her, one day, she'll look at you and say, 'You aren't my type.'
You know these people, they stay with you only when you are happy, when you have something to give them. They want something out of you. They want your attention, your money.
When you can't give it anymore, they'll dump you like an unwanted baby.
You know, don't you?
Then again, you might not. You're probably blind to it anyway.
Snap out of it, my friend. It's not worth the sorrow, the trauma.
Find someone who'll be there when you're sad, find someone who'll be your strength when you are weak, find someone who'll comfort you when you've failed, find someone who is sincerely willing to listen and be by your side.
Not these masked, twisted people. Not these people who probably have no idea what you really deserve.
I'm not there with you, when you're with them. I don't mix with them as much as you do.
Perhaps there's something about them I don't know.
But as far as I'm concerned, they aren't worth it. As far as what I've heard, they are just a bunch of vampires, sucking you dry before going for another.
Hope it gets into your head.
0 voices
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Well, listening to -
I'm Not Okay -by- My Chemical Romance
Memory -by- Sugarcult
Just Tonight -by- Jimmy Eat World
Make A Sound -by- Autopilot Off
Broken Promises -by- Moments in grace
All the emo bands.. haha.
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Shifting Sands
Hmmm.. Personality Shift?
P -> J
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I'm not sure why..
I don't think everyone gets this, but somehow I got a laugh out of it.
'What's snake on a plane about?'
'Snakes on a plane?'
'Erm, snakes on a plane lar.'
'Snakes on a plane, is about snakes on a plane.'
'ooi, seriously.'
'I'm being serious!'
I think we're addicted to cool looking names, that when the title is straight to the point, we don't think it's straight to the point anymore.
0 voices
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Holy Shit!
TAKEDOWN HOT STREAK! (I know, I'm a little late for this... 2 years late, in fact)
But then, a game that's worthy of GAME OF THE YEAR probably doesn't get old.
Man, try boosting until 200mph, just to notice there's a goddamn car in front of you.
So fun! ^_____________________________^
Man, I probably should stop playing, or I'll start going nuts in real life.
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Now Playing : MUDMEN - ANIMAL
This song is AWESOME. Damn suang I listen until. Banging head, shaking and dancing in my room.
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Inversed Relations
Size isn't a good thing, really.
Today was a proof of it, actually.
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Just great.
Damned. I had a dream. It's been a while since I had a dream. (My dreams tend to be more symbolic that most... )
I dreamt of a lone snake. It's orangy in parts, black in others. It was slithering away at first, then suddenly it turned around and attacked me.
Yeah, it's nothing much. But most importantly, I remembered it.
According to some dream readers...
1. Dreaming of a lone snake and feel threathened => There's someone out there working to get me.
2. Attacking snakes => Treason
3. Dreams about snakes -> Emotional worries.
4. Snakes -> Force of creativity. Attacking snakes -> Misuse of creativity.
My OWN intepretation of the event.
The fact that it was slitering away at first, may indicate that I thought the problem was over, then suddenly it came back, indicates that it'll come at me when I'm least prepared.
The fact that it's double-colored, leads to the idea that perhaps someone is playing dual-roles, probably trying to create havoc.
Damn. I'm superstitious.
But then, I don't have dreams, and I had dreams where I've been places I've never been, just to find out several years later when I'm there, 'Why is this scene so familiar...'
Better prepared than not, no?
2 voices
Thursday, August 24, 2006
What now?
Stop making me feel so guilty, can you?
Why do you need to go and start telling me about that?
I know, as a son, what I'm supposed to do. Study, do well, work, then hopefully take care of you when I'm working and independent.
But now, this feeling, of as if like I'm doing a hell lot of wrong, as if I'm the one at fault. You know it doesn't work. You know I'll just shut myself out and ignore you.
Why do you keep forcing me? Why do you keep making me feel, like everything I bloody do, is never ever good enough?
I just want some peace. Days without your lecturing, days without you having to go around indirectly insulting me, and playing these politics daily is tiring. All this politics get old after awhile, there's no point to it.
It's been so many years we've been doing this. Don't you think you should give it a rest?
Dear mother, I'm thankful for alot of things you've done, but that doesn't mean I'm at your mercy, and I will follow everything you say.
Yes, perhaps we did make you feel a little underappreciated, but if so, just tell us what you want to make up for it.
It's so hard to find peace at home...
0 voices
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
What in the world is Skye Sweetnam, a Canadian, doing in TRAPNEST?
0 voices
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Elusive Hunt
Sorry Ms Voon Sia... Really sorry. Didn't meant to disappoint you.
Anyway. although I just went REDBOX few days ago, I wanna go again.
Addiction is setting in. I wanna sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ya, Jolin's Xiao Shi De Cheng Bao is nice oso. But being a guy, I can't pull my voice up to her level. The song is hauntingly nice.
Pei Li and all my Karaoke kakis! When wanna go agaiN?!!!!!!!!!
Got Yogurting OST. Very Anti-Emo. Very happy songs.
1 voices
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Good work to all that did something meaningful, and good work to those that felt they did something that have a purpose.
Not every purpose has to be self-centered. It's good to do something for people you don't know that well, once in a while.
I'll sleep well today, despite being ridiculously tired.
Now, any volunteers to help me with the report?
0 voices
Saturday, August 19, 2006
In Support Of Local Products!
After the speeding spree and rather aggressive driving today, I've decided that I'm not gonna get any big bulky cars.
I'm want a LOTUS ELISE.
Small, Nimble, and quite powerful. Perfect for cutting in lanes, and slipping into small openings.
I bet the thrill it provides must be at least x20 times more than the joy my current ride is giving me. (and it must be manual. Manual is damn fun, and less boring)
0 voices
Friday, August 18, 2006
All's fair in love and war.
Some people just won't ever admit that they are wrong, instead, they choose to find a way to push the blame onto someone else.
They find excuses, they try to deny it, even when the truth is right there in front of them. Denial. That's their tactic.
HAHA, it's very funny actually. Yes. VERY VERY Funny. I laugh when I think of it. VERY Hilarious that they end up resorting to such cowardly tactics.
Let's see. I guess he/she just can't take the fact that I'm right, and so he/she is now playing the game of finding excuses to undermine my actions. Making me seem like the person at a loss, or unsatisfied.
HAha. I admire your usage of politics and subtle manipulations. All the slimy and underhanded tactics is indeed quite entertaining to watch, and I so love that you are trying so hard to do it. Hell, it's making me laugh more than it's hurting me.
Guess you just don't have the guts to take it to the open fields? ^_____^
Oh yeah. I love the frontstabbing part too. That was pretty nice, and I'm honored that you put such effort to 'shoot' me. Keep it coming. I love reading and watching it.
Perhaps you do remember, that I once said, 'How much I'm affected by a critique, or insult, depends on whose mouth it comes out from.' So frankly, since it is from your mouth, I guess you pretty much know what I'm gonna say next.
It's your move, my dear. I'm so excited.
0 voices
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lolz. Cute Stories
It really makes me a happier person when I read stories of these people.. who have REAL LIFE DRAMAs...
Imagine. Meeting a girl in KTM, not knowing her b4, then suddenly ends up togehter,
Helping a girl change a flat tyre, forget about it after a week, then the girl comes looking for the guy.
AWESOME, I must say.
Man, I'm missing out on so much! ^________^
0 voices
Nostradamus 2.0
Well, well.
Seems my perception is reflected by the lecturers too.
It's not hard to tell why it happened, actually. All the walking out and screaming and all.
I've seen them wincing in irritation, but never voicing it out. I've seen them look a little dulan, but probably told themselves, 'never mind... never mind...'
Try our tax lecturer for instance. I've seen her look a little irritated more than once (maybe just me, but my intuition is rarely wrong, especially in the field of irritation. I know when someone's pissed.), and her sharp, momentary glances.
But I guess she just doesn't want to scold.
But then, what Ms Shanta said is right. 'Why do I even bother. If they don't want it, go ahead, do what you please. ' I think the followup would most probably be, 'I still get my salary at the end of the day, so if they don't appreciate it, too bad then.'
Well, ppl who never learnt how to appreciate money probably can't appreciate ppl's effort anyway, so I guess what's the point.
Live and let live, until they step into my life.
To quote a cartoon, "GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY!" (and the fella will load the bullets into his shotgun, and aim it at the intruder.
Thankfully, not everyone is like that.
Sutha = AWESOME and RESPONSIBLE fella. I placed a task on him and he did it wonderfully.
Sui Yuan = Sincerely, I consider you and Christine very worthy opponents. If I lost to both of you, I won't go all kiasu and shit, 'cause I know you 2 deserved it. It's a fair and square victory for both of you.
(I like having people who makes me feel that I need to actually put an effort to beat. I had Wey Shin, Dedi and Fatihah in F3, Moo, Munlok & Daphne in F4/F5) (which btw, I lost every time against Moo and Wey Shin.. Both of them too superpowered d...)
Hope Wey Shin, Yan Zhang and Chen Ling is doing well with their ACCA in TARC, and hope all the TARC frens are safe from the robberies, rapes and muggings.
Hope to see the three of you in the working life someday. (hopefully as my juniors... MUAHAHHAHA)
0 voices
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Ranty Rant
I guess I pissed lots of people off today.
Good. I sincerely feel they deserved it.
Making noise when I'm trying to fucking listen deserves a fucking blast from me anyhow.
Know lar u all smart and all... Know lar u people are going to pass every paper with ease.
I have no problems with you trying to go around having fun. Not at all.
But when I expect you to reasonably understand what RESPECT the lecturer means.
I know you don't need to listen, I know you are fucking smart. I know you know everything, but you don't have to show it off by making noise, while those who don't know, are trying to listen.
Yeah. I sound like a lecturer. But I paid money for this, and I expect hopefully to get something out of it.
Then again, you rich kids don't bother about the money anyway, it's too insignificant to you, ain't it? Yeah, know lar u rich, that all this isn't important, all this isn't relevant.
It's not a matter of me being boh song, PMS or shit. But, for god's sake, can you keep the damn volume down, and stop delaying the lecturer? Sometimes... It's just not funny anymore.
Everyone has a tolerance level, and you've just broken mine.
I guess you just don't have a sense of responsibility. Or a sense of understanding that the people around you have their own needs too.
Guess you are just too darn selfish to even bother.
Guess you are just too darn 'smart' to even pay attention.
Guess all this ain't important, but your own internal agendas matter more.
Guess it ain't important, but your 'relations' matter more.
Goes to show your character, doesn't it?
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A Little Dream For Me
Let's see what made me love cars so much.
Need For Speed 2!
Gran Turismo 2!!!!!!! (imo, it was awesome, and the music is whoah)
NFS4, High Stakes.
Test Drive 6 (my 2nd exposure to exotics after NFS)
Then there was...
Underground. (it was rite after The Fast and The Furious back then, and damn, was underground really fun. I remember spending hours on end trying to master the tracks)
Here's a curse I invented in NFSU
Blukarh! (it means blue car. because i often knock into blue cars because of the damned road design doesn't really allow much driver vision.. which is good, IMO)
1 voices
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A Little Close To The Dark Side
Lolz. I've put both of your lives in danger because I was pissed.
I guess when that lorry came a little too close and all, and cutting through traffic like that is pretty suicidal.
But then, I hope Yong We sincerely enjoyed it. ^_____^
1 voices
Monday, August 14, 2006
A Mirror Image
Anyway, I watched Break Up, and here's what I've learned.
There was once a saying,
'Treat Others As How You Expect To Be Treated.'
I, extrapolated the statement above, to form a slight variation.
'Treat Others The Way They Treat You.'
Every waking moment, there's a weight in my body. Something that holds me down, something that stops me from doing what I please.
Haunted, by an unknown creature, it calls my mind it's home.
Whenever I feel so close to being happy, it comes along and chains me back down again.
Whenever I feel so near to joy, it comes along and gives me pain.
Whenever I feel ever so close to anything, it'll come and remind me that some things are still left unsettled.
What in the fucking world is the unfinished business that's bothering my bloody sleep.
What in the living hell could haunt and linger for so long without a clue on what it is.
I want this unfinished business completed.
I wish I could just hire assassins or ghostbusters, and purge this shit out of me.
It's fucking ruining my damned mood. It's draining me of my brain juice to draw, write, and play.
0 voices
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Well. I'm not really emo these days. There's a difference between emo and quietness.
It's not emo. It's just, well, I kinda feel that I've got into lots of trouble because of what I've said. So, just feel that if I could just shut up, trouble would find me less easy a target.
Normally I would love to talk, especially if that someone is nice to talk with. Hahah. Thanks to Finas, Marianne and Peili. Three of you are awesome ppl. If not for Pei Li's comforting on the day I almost got kicked out of class, I'd be even more screwed up.
Finas. Haha. I guess for some reason I really like talking with you. Maybe you just remind me of the very chatty and talkative Malay gals in my class. Or maybe you just have the nicest flowing hair that I've ever seen. It's like your hair is from a shampoo ad or something.
Oh yeah. Ever switched to any documentary on seasides?
Those white seagulls flying over a glimmering sea during dusk, hunting for food while flying so close to crushing waves and towering sea pillars.
Kinda romantic, I must say. Romantic, doesn't have to be love.
There's an artistic and intellectual movement, I believe, called Romanticism. <--- Click for more. Lawlz.
Here's a picture of a cute little seagull I got from Wiki.

2 voices
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Home With Soup
One of the few luxuries in life I really appreciate.
My Mom's awesome soups.
I returned home after the party, and guess what?
My mom had some vegetable/chicken soup remaining, and she heated it for me! ^_______^
Warm soup. Warm in more ways than one. ^______^
0 voices
Friday, August 11, 2006
Here's to you.
#$%^(*&@$&*(@&$* &$(*&@$(*&#@(
You Bee Aiy Tee See Hetch
1 voices
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Swirling Hatred
Arrogance. Too Much Pride. Lack of self control.
To a certain extent, stupidity too.
The lack of the ability to know when to shut up.
The lack of focus and learning ability.
The lack of ability to be sincere,
and a lack of altruistic spirit.
So much damned procrastination, but no corrective activities. It's like knowing about the adverse variances but doing NOTHING about it.
This bloody country's future is pitiful.
What more when the future generations is so lacking.
Stupid motherfucking son of a bitch, jackasses, asshats, and a pile of dung boiled together. Pathetic.
0 voices
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Elemental Particle
Read a few strange stories these days.
Did a lot of reflections and thinking these days.
Wondered where am I going to be these days.
These days, so tired.
These days, so... weary.
These days, so...... distant.
Just tired. Of everything.
Just stressed. The world sucks.
The pain and the cries.
It hurts, to see someone else suffer like that.
It makes me weak in my knee to see such misery.
The heart is willing, but the body unable.
Chained, and restricted to do as we please.
Free! Ever so close and yet so far.
Why the rules.
Why the restrictions.
Why the borders.
Why the limits.
The jedi code,
Have no attachments.
Have no attachments, and free you truly are.
Have neither liking nor loathing.
And all is a task, and only a task.
Rules impede liking. Limits restrict loathing.
Without liking, we don't mind rules.
Without loathing, we don't mind limits.
Okay. Seth out.
1 voices
Monday, August 07, 2006
Passion + Practice = Progress
To be good in it. You have to be passionate and I am passionate about what I'm doing.
To be better, you need to practice, and only now I realized how important practice is.
Then after a while when you play, people will look at you and say, 'My god, you fucking owned the nub!'
0 voices
I'm an introvert? Wow! (Not like i don't know before)
No wonder I stutter occasionally, and seem so animated. Not used to speaking publicly. Yet they say I'm sociable? Not really.
INFP is more likely to be a girl, than a guy. So, I'm weird.
INFP's consist of 1% of the world population, of which most of the 1% is a girl, so for a guy INFP, it's like... 0.1-0.5% of the world?
INFP is a Myer-Briggs Type Indicator character. 1 of the 16 available.
Wanna know what kind of person I am? Lolz, take a look. Just go google, and search, 'INFP'.
Enjoy reading. It's quite a mouthful.
1 voices
Stupat. Screwed, SCREWED
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
White Noise
One day it will become subconscious, ingrained deep within.
One day it will become natural, a rhythm naturally attuned.
0 voices
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Fading Seconds
Time, is running out.
Time, is running out.
That's how I feel like these days.
Time is running out.
Time is running out.
Insufficient time.
0 voices
Friday, August 04, 2006
The Fine Line That Separates Pros and Noobs
Pros get 1minute and 18 seconds.
Noobs get 1 minute and 30 seconds
12 seconds.
That's the difference between pros and noobs.
0 voices
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Worried Over Shits
Guess I should be studying.
But then, there's a serious lack of motivation to do anything beyond doing homework. No additional revisions, no additional studying. Just leave it as it is.
Let's see. All the lecturers are so going to lose faith in me. Not that they have faith to begin with.
0 voices
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Quotes are just FUNNY.
Art, is meant to be inspiring, and on occasions, it can be quite humorous.
This quote, on the other hand, showed how much our viewpoints have changed since.
"When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college- that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?"
~ Howard Ikemoto
"Good artists borrow, great artists steal" ~ Michael Berens
"If you want to know what true art is: Go outside on a clear night, wait until it gets very, very dark, then look up! You will see no rules of composition, no evidence of superior technique. Yet, you will be staring into the very face of pure, unadulterated beauty and wonder. That is the unattainable Ideal for which I must constantly strive." ~ Derek R. Audette
This is FUNNY
"Whats the difference between art and pornography... a government grant!" ~ Peter Griffin, Family Guy
- "We can forgive a man for making a useful thing, as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it immensely. All art is useless." ~ Oscar Wilde
- "Science is like sex: Sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it." - Richard Feynman
0 voices
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Speed Thrills, Speed Kills
To quote Mark, 'You psychotic.'
Speeded about twice today. Once in the morning, once on the way back. (not until 150+ ler. My car can't reach that speed. If I'm on the NPE at midnight with a 350z, then different. Floor the damn throttle)
These days feel like I'm starting to get back that thrill of driving.
The wondrous fleeting feeling of weightlessness,
the bugging feeling that death is just around the corner,
the thrill as the wind blows violently through the windows,
the joy as adrenaline flows through the body, and the soul.
So we speed anyway.
No wonder accident rates are high.
We love the thrill, and giving us 'seemingly wide' roads for us to challenge.
If only I'm rich, and I have a Ferrari. (Actually, a slightly upgraded BMW would do.)
If I can choose a way to DIE.
One who's fond of speed, it's only fitting and natural, that speed claims it back. If I can choose a way to die, I'd wanna die speeding at 200MPH and burn into a fireball in a freak accident.
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