Monday, April 30, 2007
She thought I lied.
My mom.
I didn't. I just went back a little late.
Perhaps it was my fault I didn't tell them there was no class the next day.
She thought when I said I'm going to college today, I was lying about no class.
I won't lie about classes.
I'm not that irresponsible.
I may mix with people who'd willing skip classes for the sake of it,
but that doesn't mean I am like that.
My conscience is far stronger than that.
There's always something you don't know.
You may think you do.
But I'm not that simple.
You don't know me that well.
1 voices
Friday, April 27, 2007
wants sleep, now. nitez.
wants sleep, now. nitez.
0 voices
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Endless Story
Hell breaks lose.
0 voices
Sunday, April 22, 2007
A vengeful spirit
"Winning isn't everything, but it's just the only thing that matters."
-Robin, Teen Titans
We ACCA ppl are perhaps the most boring ppl around, eh?
-Robin, Teen Titans
We ACCA ppl are perhaps the most boring ppl around, eh?
0 voices
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Of Sub-absences
From nothing, to top of the world, and back down again.
Emotions, are the worst things in the world. Incredibly unpredictable, and yet because of it, has immense influence on one's ordinary life.
(Not emo, no worries)
It's just that, I feel only 3 kinds of moods nowadays.
1. Emptiness/Boredom. Yes, bloody boring.
2. Stress and worry. Exam. Regular cyclical variations, eh?
3. Nothing, as in the mood u feel when you're so into doing something... it's almost a zen-like state. Where in your mind, there is nothing else but that one thing that you seek.
0 voices
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Name : TT. My policy not to reveal my name, cause I just don't like to. Besides, you all probably know my name already so why should I bother. Let's just leave it at that, okay?
Birth Date :19/1
Current Status :The proper word for it, is haven't found my life partner yet, so just let's leave it at that until I can afford my Lambos and Porsches, and watch dumb blondes trying to seduce me just because I've got awfully deep pockets by then. Ah, fine, fine. I'm miserably single and trying to convince myself that I'm just waiting for better things in life. Happy? Darn it. Can't I just give an optimistic answer without getting shot at.
Eye Colour : My eyes? Would you like to try to discover what colour my eyes are by staring right into it? It's actually rather easy to look at my eyes, cause their big and bright. And since it's like hazel in color, some people said it's actually pretty, which I'm inclined to agree,
Hair Colour : Black, bordering darkish brown, depending on the lighting conditions. But then, everyone's hair depend on lighting conditions too, eh?
Righty or lefty : I'm technically a righty, because for everythign I do, I use my right hand. But I'm a lefty, when I'm shifting gears. So is everyone in the country. So, what's the point of this bloody question?
My Heritage :I'm rather surprised that some people actually know about their heritage, because like myself, I'm just bloody ignorant of the fact of my past. If I want to know about Chinese stuff, I'll read wikipedia for all I care, or ask my mom. As long as there's someone else to refer to, I'll remain an ignorant fool when it comes to heritage.
My Fears : Given that surveys seem to LOVE asking this question, I actually intent to request that you refer to all the surveys I've done in my life, but then again, that wouldn't be quite fair, so I'll give you a simple list. Why a list, you so ask? Because it's fear'S', with a 's'. Ah, screw. I'll be lazy and just write one. NO MONEY.
My weaknesses : I believe to reveal this, would require the absolute fairness and ability to maintain an objective viewpoint on myself, and that is by far the most difficult thing one can hope to do. I just told you my weakness. What was it?
My Perfect Pizza : The perfect pizza, eh? Free and good pizza is the perfect pizza.
My thoughts first waking up : When I wake up in the morning, I wanna sleep again. When I wake up in the afternoon, I just feel like sleeping again. So, I just wanna sleep.
My bedtime : ------------------
My most missed memory : I don't miss my memories. Because if I did, I forget what the memories was, isn't it? So I suggest this question be rephrased to, most 'cherished'.
Pepsi or coke : BOTH!!!!
McDonald's or Burger kings : McDonalds wins hands down, because they are by far the coolest place to hang out.
Single or grouped dates : Never tried. Wanna try with me?
Adidas or Nike : Nike.
Tea or Nestea : Tea. You nestea people have no taste. Tea is by far the best thing in the world.
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla. I like vanilla, because unlike chocolate, it's taste is rather consistent. I haven't tried vanilla that tastes AWFUL before.
Cappuccino or Coffee : Coffee or cappucino? You know how dumb this question is?
Smoke : Weed? Cigarettes? Depends.
Curse : You!
Take a shower : Cap.
Have a crush : many if i were to count fr primary until now ahahhaha :P
Think you've been in love : Can I sue you for boredom? This is one boring question.
Go to school : This question is self-explanatory. If I can answer this, the odds are I've been to school, or homeschooled. So fuck you, pointless question.
Want to get married : Maybe? Depends on the potential candidates that come in the future.
Believe in yourself : DUDE! YOU HAVE SOME SERIOUS EMO PROBLEMS IF YOU DON'T. I can recommend you to go to the highest floor, and jump off.
Think your a health freak : Depends on what governs freak.
Drank alcohol : Temptations... bloody temptations.
Gone to the mall :I believe there has been no dumber question than this.
Been on stage :Stage? What stage?
Eaten sushi : >_<>
Dyed your hair : Can you see what colour is my hair? There! Question ANSWERED.
Played a stripping game : Ever? Nope. But I might try it one day.
Changed who you were to fit in : I'm a doppelganger. I shift and change to adapt. So screw whoever who said they never changed to be something else.
To be married : 9999999999999
Best eye colour : HAZEL
Best hair colour : BLACK
Short hair or long hair : bob
A minute ago : On grounds of stupidity I refuse to answer this question
Hour ago : FORGOT
4.5 hours ago : same as above
1 month ago : same as abovex2
Year ago : same as abovex3
I love : everything
I feel : nothing
I hate : you
I hide : money
I miss : money
I need : money
Not bothered.
0 voices
A lil' wake up call?
To say... I'm not stressed, would be lying.
I am.
Very stressed.
I'm not sure why.
I feel... heavy.
I guess it's just the general mood.
Or is it just the fact that at every corner, my dad will ask, 'So, how's ur studying? Ready?'
Or just that walking insult of that bloody piece of paper, to the extent it feels like a curse, hounding at the back of my head?
It's easier to fight, when there's nothing to lose.
- Ace Combat Zero -
I can't say I'll wake up.
Cause somehow this.. isn't something you can say, 'snap out of it', and somehow you will.
I hate not having that absolute confidence that I'll pass.
(no doubt I did, but the point isn't in actually passing. It's passing with a nice buffer. Knowing you're comfortably in a zone out of harms way.)
It messes with my peace of mind, knowing that if I made a slip here, tripped a little there, and poof I'm delayed back 1/2 year.
I don't intend to.
My margin of error is razor slim.
A little mistake and I'm dead.
In every way.
I am.
Very stressed.
I'm not sure why.
I feel... heavy.
I guess it's just the general mood.
Or is it just the fact that at every corner, my dad will ask, 'So, how's ur studying? Ready?'
Or just that walking insult of that bloody piece of paper, to the extent it feels like a curse, hounding at the back of my head?
It's easier to fight, when there's nothing to lose.
- Ace Combat Zero -
I can't say I'll wake up.
Cause somehow this.. isn't something you can say, 'snap out of it', and somehow you will.
I hate not having that absolute confidence that I'll pass.
(no doubt I did, but the point isn't in actually passing. It's passing with a nice buffer. Knowing you're comfortably in a zone out of harms way.)
It messes with my peace of mind, knowing that if I made a slip here, tripped a little there, and poof I'm delayed back 1/2 year.
I don't intend to.
My margin of error is razor slim.
A little mistake and I'm dead.
In every way.
0 voices
Monday, April 16, 2007
Of missiles and lasers
When emo, carry a big gun.
Just joking.
That phrase is technically supposed to mean, when in times of great distress, PLAY GAMES.
God, it feels good playing them again, watching the missiles and lasers decorate the screen, sparks flying over virtual armies, and huge machines bashing troops to god knows what eternity. Oh, did I mention the blue and red lascannons? Really, in the midst of it's all, they feel like big weapons of doom, (although in truth they don't deal much damage) but still, can't deny how awesome bright blue beams of destruction look on screen. Oh oh oh, the missiles and the explosions... YUMMY.
Fark, I want to play Command & Conquer 3... Which CC ada.. I mau try. (especially da ion cannon.. i wanna see how pwnage that thing is)
0 voices
Saturday, April 14, 2007
0 voices
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
0 voices
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Some abomination
Life's an MMORPG game.
That's what they say.
There are a few ways to get ahead in MMORPGs.
1. Spend all your life levelling/questing.
2. Get a few friends, and do the same.
3. get a few POWERFUL friends, and powerlevel+quest.
I like the analogy of MMORPGs, because RPGs, to begin with, are supposed and designed to mirror certain aspects of society, only with a particularly high emphasis of ability (lvl+skills), cash, and affiliations (guilds, and frens)
But, if we were to make parellels, what is levelling in real life? (IRL)
Initially I thought it was just gaining skills, aka degree hunting.
But then, things changed. Viewpoints changed.
Turns out, levelling and getting skills, was not as education linked as believed.
Education, ie primary, 2ndary and college educations, are something like your class quests.
Primary -> swordsman, 2ndary -> knight, college -> paladin (holy knight), (just making a simple class order)
But, frankly, just getting through these 3 milestones, and coming out of it, just makes you a paladin, with a basic set of skills, provided by these 'academies'. Yes, no doubt you are a paladin etc, but you most likely are just a basic paladin.
That's how we are doing. We're just concerned with passing, and getting things over. In short, we just want to be a paladin, but does that make us powerful? We're just hunting for a title, just as we are just hunting for the title, 'ACCA'
In rpgs, there are always sidequests, side stories that tell you more. They aren't compulsory, but no doubt, they help in making life easier.
ACCA is our primary quest goal.
What are our 2ndary quests?
What is a paladin without proper armor and weapons? Can a paladin be considered a good paladin, when it only has the basic skills of such a class?
In game-speak, he'd be nothing more than a high level noob.
In dota, he'd be a level 25 hero without ANY ITEMS
I think the comparison is highly fitting.
There are certain things, we can do on our long and arduous march to our primary goals.
Today, on the Star, there was an article.
The lovable fool, or the competent jerk?
Ability, or likability?
Those who believe in ability, will be surprised to know that the massive amounts of people, prefer a likable person, than a smart jackass.
No doubt, not everyone is pretty or handsome, we are all aware of that, but at the end of the day, we don't choose who we work it for how the LOOK. We choose who we work with, because WE LIKE TO WORK WITH THEM.
Again, drawing the analogy from DotA and RPG, these smart jackasses would be those idiots, scolding, 'noob', and be running around screaming obscenities.
Everyone knows, the assholes who go around,
'Fucking noobs etc'
These assholes take the entire fun of the game out of it. The reason we play, is to play with frens. Even if we lose, we had fun playing together. I personally would rather play with a friendly person, but noob, than a fucking pro asshole.
Working is also like that, and so is studying in college.
The most important skill to learn, is to make others enjoy being around you. Skill may be lacking, but that can be learnt, and if these people enjoy being with you, they would be more than happy to teach you.
I believe that's the most important side quest of this level. It's like unlocking the 'create party' ability.
Learning to get along with people we aren't familar with.
I do not claim to be good, but no doubt I try. Mistakes, I see and when I'm told, I try to correct them.
Life's a learning ground, a constant farming to level up. To get better, identifying and acting to correct, is of paramount importance.
Here's what I've realized, and whilst it's not 100% correct, I believe they are based on rather sound principles.
Step 1, and the only step.
Get rid of the fucking emoness and whining. There's a phrase, 'Be genuinely happy, and think happy thoughts, and eventually you will be.'
I've worked on projects with absolute whiners before, and by the lords it was a terrible experience. It's frustrating, and HIGHLY unproductive when the morale is terribly bad.
I'm not suggest false happiness or cheeriness in face of danger, but appropriate joy and attitude.
People love to work in a happy environment. And they work better too under such circumstances.
Friends, colleagues, classmates too are the same.
It's important for them to be comfortable and given enough space.
People avoid people who make them feel uncomfortable, just as how you avoid a toilet that has shit and smells awful.
(I read too much managerial articles for my own good, but if you read between the bullshit, there are some principles somewhere)
Today's quote. (from Kent's shoutout)
(wakaka, I wonder whether I will end up writing my own book on management one day.)
Change what you cannot accept, accept what you cannot change.
However, it must be noted that there are things we think is unchangeable, but actually can be changed. Or, in this case, we adopt a lazy mentality and just assume it is unchangeable. Then this, is by far the most dangerous of the risks.
Remember, it's not about wishing, hoping, praying and planning.
There's only one rule in change. ACTION.
No matter how much wishes you made, how many prayers you've done, or how much planning have been conducted, without action, all is useless.
I really should start submitting drafts to book companies.
That's what they say.
There are a few ways to get ahead in MMORPGs.
1. Spend all your life levelling/questing.
2. Get a few friends, and do the same.
3. get a few POWERFUL friends, and powerlevel+quest.
I like the analogy of MMORPGs, because RPGs, to begin with, are supposed and designed to mirror certain aspects of society, only with a particularly high emphasis of ability (lvl+skills), cash, and affiliations (guilds, and frens)
But, if we were to make parellels, what is levelling in real life? (IRL)
Initially I thought it was just gaining skills, aka degree hunting.
But then, things changed. Viewpoints changed.
Turns out, levelling and getting skills, was not as education linked as believed.
Education, ie primary, 2ndary and college educations, are something like your class quests.
Primary -> swordsman, 2ndary -> knight, college -> paladin (holy knight), (just making a simple class order)
But, frankly, just getting through these 3 milestones, and coming out of it, just makes you a paladin, with a basic set of skills, provided by these 'academies'. Yes, no doubt you are a paladin etc, but you most likely are just a basic paladin.
That's how we are doing. We're just concerned with passing, and getting things over. In short, we just want to be a paladin, but does that make us powerful? We're just hunting for a title, just as we are just hunting for the title, 'ACCA'
In rpgs, there are always sidequests, side stories that tell you more. They aren't compulsory, but no doubt, they help in making life easier.
ACCA is our primary quest goal.
What are our 2ndary quests?
What is a paladin without proper armor and weapons? Can a paladin be considered a good paladin, when it only has the basic skills of such a class?
In game-speak, he'd be nothing more than a high level noob.
In dota, he'd be a level 25 hero without ANY ITEMS
I think the comparison is highly fitting.
There are certain things, we can do on our long and arduous march to our primary goals.
Today, on the Star, there was an article.
The lovable fool, or the competent jerk?
Ability, or likability?
Those who believe in ability, will be surprised to know that the massive amounts of people, prefer a likable person, than a smart jackass.
No doubt, not everyone is pretty or handsome, we are all aware of that, but at the end of the day, we don't choose who we work it for how the LOOK. We choose who we work with, because WE LIKE TO WORK WITH THEM.
Again, drawing the analogy from DotA and RPG, these smart jackasses would be those idiots, scolding, 'noob', and be running around screaming obscenities.
Everyone knows, the assholes who go around,
'Fucking noobs etc'
These assholes take the entire fun of the game out of it. The reason we play, is to play with frens. Even if we lose, we had fun playing together. I personally would rather play with a friendly person, but noob, than a fucking pro asshole.
Working is also like that, and so is studying in college.
The most important skill to learn, is to make others enjoy being around you. Skill may be lacking, but that can be learnt, and if these people enjoy being with you, they would be more than happy to teach you.
I believe that's the most important side quest of this level. It's like unlocking the 'create party' ability.
Learning to get along with people we aren't familar with.
I do not claim to be good, but no doubt I try. Mistakes, I see and when I'm told, I try to correct them.
Life's a learning ground, a constant farming to level up. To get better, identifying and acting to correct, is of paramount importance.
Here's what I've realized, and whilst it's not 100% correct, I believe they are based on rather sound principles.
Step 1, and the only step.
Get rid of the fucking emoness and whining. There's a phrase, 'Be genuinely happy, and think happy thoughts, and eventually you will be.'
I've worked on projects with absolute whiners before, and by the lords it was a terrible experience. It's frustrating, and HIGHLY unproductive when the morale is terribly bad.
I'm not suggest false happiness or cheeriness in face of danger, but appropriate joy and attitude.
People love to work in a happy environment. And they work better too under such circumstances.
Friends, colleagues, classmates too are the same.
It's important for them to be comfortable and given enough space.
People avoid people who make them feel uncomfortable, just as how you avoid a toilet that has shit and smells awful.
(I read too much managerial articles for my own good, but if you read between the bullshit, there are some principles somewhere)
Today's quote. (from Kent's shoutout)
(wakaka, I wonder whether I will end up writing my own book on management one day.)
Change what you cannot accept, accept what you cannot change.
However, it must be noted that there are things we think is unchangeable, but actually can be changed. Or, in this case, we adopt a lazy mentality and just assume it is unchangeable. Then this, is by far the most dangerous of the risks.
Remember, it's not about wishing, hoping, praying and planning.
There's only one rule in change. ACTION.
No matter how much wishes you made, how many prayers you've done, or how much planning have been conducted, without action, all is useless.
I really should start submitting drafts to book companies.
0 voices
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Pre-incorporation-Kelner v Baxter-Section 35
Clear by
Music : Maksim's Nostradamus
Music : Maksim's Nostradamus

The sun's rays was diffused by the morning mist, casting a rather haunting ambient glow over the woods. And the morning howls... Oh the damn bloody morning howlings of the animals that lurk in these god forsaken, desolate woods. Or more proper, dead woods. Dead, as in unliving?
Nay. These trees are alive all right, but it's a corruption in their souls, their purpose of existence is vile and despicable. That lack of vibrance, that lack of energy.
That is why they are dead. No matter how alive they can be, when that character that makes them alive is lost, they are merely living an existence akin to machines, without purpose, but living for the sake of it.
And no wonder why, he, whilst walking through such woods, felt so much sorrow. Hanging in the air was a sense of emptiness, a sense that in this place, nothing prospers, everything dies. It felt like there was a vampire in the air itself, sucking away all life.
And it would take a nerve of steel, and a hungry heart, to walk through these woods without succumbing to the fear that envelops it.
Alas, he isn't one of such character, but merely a young villager in panic and fleeing, lost and astray from the beaten path. Astray? Lost?
What is lost? Lost is when you don't know where you are?
This child, will tell you, that being lost, is when you have nowhere to return. It's like a kite with broken strings, so to speak, like a bottle floating on the seven seas, wondering where the tide, currents and winds will lead it.
His fingers were bloody, hurt by the branches, the undergrowth and all the foliage scattered in it. He wondered where to go, what to do, all whilst inside, suppressing a great hunger, and deprivation of rest.
That was what the other villagers told him, and the other children, whilst the raiders slaughtered every single man, woman and child with their furious and bloody swipes.
It was war.
No one will be spared.
Take no prisoners.
To him, it was like a nightmare. A bloody nightmare, followed by an adrenaline filled marathon escape from the scimitar weilding horsemen.
But it was late, and he's been running all night.
He could no longer hear the echoing rumbles of the horses, nor the shriek of the scimitars.
The fear of death, was gone.
In it's stead, there was a great longing emptiness.
And that, was perhaps far greater than anything else, for anyone to feel.
More pain than actual death itself.
And he felt no different, at that time, with the dead woods.
He and those dead trees, are the same.
Empty, without their leaves to provide nourishment, as how he is now without a home.
KAKAKA, pretty darn long, I say.
0 voices
Friday, April 06, 2007
Promises made to be broken?
There's no pics today, because for some reason
(bleh, why lie, it's because I can't find a fitting one for the mood)
I guess the emo mood infected me too, finally. (or maybe it's just the kiasuism over losing)
So, as usual with all my emo posts, I'll be talking lots and lots of bullshit.
Being emo is like SO~ last year.
So, no emo posts. I'll keep all that to myself.
Anyway, find myself very awfully bored these days.
Sleep sounds good when you are bored.
(btw, where's my food?)
I mean it. Where's my keropok!
It feels good to satisfied oneself with good food.
And I believe, keropok, like chocolates, are very much good food.
Strangely excited to get my results.
Can't wait, really.
0 voices
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Something emo and cute for once.
Cute hor? I think so too! LOL
I've got more but I guess i'll keep the other cute fluffy bears all to myself.
(OMG that sounded SOOOOOOOOO wrong)
I sometimes wonder,
Is it something you fight for,
Is it something that comes to you?
So, here's another picture for the fun of it.
by (address as per name)

Cool shit, eh? I think looks very empowering, despite it's dark and destructive feel.
And a strangely fitting name, 'downfall.'
I guess one's downfall when you gain too much power.
I like the whole concept of a 'dark angel'.
Looks cool, ain't it?
But that leads me to the next question.
What would a dark angel's goals be?
I will now leave to ponder that.
Good night.
Cute hor? I think so too! LOL
I've got more but I guess i'll keep the other cute fluffy bears all to myself.
(OMG that sounded SOOOOOOOOO wrong)
I sometimes wonder,
Is it something you fight for,
Is it something that comes to you?
So, here's another picture for the fun of it.
by (address as per name)

Cool shit, eh? I think looks very empowering, despite it's dark and destructive feel.
And a strangely fitting name, 'downfall.'
I guess one's downfall when you gain too much power.
I like the whole concept of a 'dark angel'.
Looks cool, ain't it?
But that leads me to the next question.
What would a dark angel's goals be?
I will now leave to ponder that.
Good night.
0 voices
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Mutual Annihilation

Artist : Goro Fujita
Found on
Kekeke, robot gardener with the egg it found in the garden.
Yawn, so sleepy.
>_< Anyway, here's a short comic strip, found on's forums
Click for full view. No words, but somehow I think it speaks for itself.
I wonder what the girl was feeling...
Found on
Kekeke, robot gardener with the egg it found in the garden.
Yawn, so sleepy.
>_< Anyway, here's a short comic strip, found on's forums
Click for full view. No words, but somehow I think it speaks for itself.
I wonder what the girl was feeling...

0 voices
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Did it make us happy?

World Of Warcraft concept art. (get the full picture, the details are rather calming to the eyes)
Didn't take note of the artist, but he can be found on
Will I have such a chance, for a glimpse of nature's beauty before it fades away?
Will I have such a gift, for a view of Eden, so I can rest knowing I've seen heaven?
Strange, in our pursuit of growth, we let go of such things.
Life's not about having.
Life's about experience.
So wish on a star, that I'll have a chance, for a moment in it's presence before it's forever gone.
Wahahaha, not emo, so no worries. I just like to write rather emo stuff, because it's easy. Life's good, except for the terminal lack of sleep and bloody messed up biological rhythms. Anyway, just recently I've been reading an article about the correlation of the following
Wealth = Happiness?
See the following quotes, (I find them funny, but that's just my dry sense of humor. Serious)
Didn't take note of the artist, but he can be found on
Will I have such a chance, for a glimpse of nature's beauty before it fades away?
Will I have such a gift, for a view of Eden, so I can rest knowing I've seen heaven?
Strange, in our pursuit of growth, we let go of such things.
Life's not about having.
Life's about experience.
So wish on a star, that I'll have a chance, for a moment in it's presence before it's forever gone.
Wahahaha, not emo, so no worries. I just like to write rather emo stuff, because it's easy. Life's good, except for the terminal lack of sleep and bloody messed up biological rhythms. Anyway, just recently I've been reading an article about the correlation of the following
Wealth = Happiness?
See the following quotes, (I find them funny, but that's just my dry sense of humor. Serious)
That great momentum has carried us away from something valuable, something priceless: It has allowed us to become (very nearly forced us to become) more thoroughly individualistic than we really wanted to be. We left behind hundreds of thousands of years of human community for the excitement, and the isolation, of "making something of ourselves," an idea that would not have made sense for 99.9 percent of human history.
As the Wall Street Journal reported recently, "Major builders and top architects are walling people off. They're touting one-person 'Internet alcoves,' locked-door 'away rooms,' and his-and-her offices on opposite ends of the house. The new floor plans offer so much seclusion, they're 'good for the dysfunctional family,' says Gopal Ahluwahlia, director of research for the National Association of Home Builders."
Sad, but true. (I have more such articles)
Oh btw, do I really look like Tom Riddle?
He's cute, I hope.
0 voices