Pic belongs to jureba40

Monday, March 31, 2008
Splinter Cell

It's kinda dark here, the lights are off, the view outside nothing but a seamless tapestry of darkness, interspersed with rays of roadside lamps, glowing in the orange glory, unadulterated by the usual disruptions of car xenon, shop neon, and all those inert gas based lamps.

There's a cup, orange in color, which so happens, beginning to be my favourite colour, quarterly filled with water, just next to the keyboard next to me. I've had 6 hours of classes tomorrow, and by skipping P1 tomorrow, hopefully I'll get some good sleep.

Some dude was bitching about us accounting students in the library, I, so happened to be opposite them, reading Newsweek, overheard. Well, I can't say much, seriously. I've not been a good mood lately, cranky with the terrible timetables, the root cause of the lack of sleep syndrome (L.O.S.S) I've been facing lately.

Irrespective of the lack of sleep, I somehow can still find time to blog. I guess I just love writing.

Anyway, Mr Goh makes a wonderful lullaby. I can't help sleeping in his class. His voice is very.. sleep inducing. More so his aura. He'd make a good father, I think.

Yeah, g'nite mates.

I talked to my dad lately. More reason for me to pass my exams this round. I need to pass.
Maybe I'll get to visit my friend in Melbourne and bunk at his place if all goes well.

After studies, you have about 5 years to do whatever you want. After that, its' time to settle down. I guess I intend to hold that to him.

0 voices

Sunday, March 30, 2008
At 170

Yesterday, whilst the SAC club had the SA camp to go to, a few of us would be going down to Malacca for a different reason, mainly, an inter-varsity account quiz, organized by some lenglui girls at MMU Melaka. (Seriously, invigilators were cute omg omg omg omg omg. Kinda in a dilemma of whether to do the quiz or just stare at the invigilators)

Anyway, early morning I kinda woke up at 5am. Yeah, i freaking woke up at 5, and apparently, so did Fwu Zian. So after some hu-ha in the crack of dawn, we finally left Sunway at 7.38am (on my phone)

Emphasis on the time please, Malacca is about 150km away, and we need to be there by 8.30am. 1 hour, and I was driving the other sentra. After we got on the highway, we got to some real petrol burning, which I'm very very happy to know I've reached those speeds before. Peter (admin staff dude), was going at 160-170, and good lord, he actually called us to keep up!

To be honest though, I slowed down a few times, for safety reasons, but other than that, I did about on average 150-160, with a max speed of 180 on a downhill stretch.

Anyway, we arrived right in the nick of time, and the lady assigned to the Sunway team, Paticia or Patricia (not sure how it's spelled), quite cute young lady I must say, quickly started telling us that the qualifiers are gonna start. Yeah. Crap, 60 questions in 30 minutes. Anyway, it was invigilated by a few cuties, although admittedly they wore makeup. Either that or I just love girls in executive wear. OL OL OL XD

Well, after the quiz there was a talk by Hong Leong bank. BUT! We, being sunway students, awake at 5am and dead hungry, decided that since they already packed their breakfast materials, it was time for us to just leave the damned place and the talking-nonsense lady. ><>< So we had to pump.

AND THEN!!!!! We went into 1 office area, made a big roundabout turn, and then we went visiting Malaccan houses. Oh no! Peter's lost. -_-

Bleh, actually we said la, disqualified pun disqualified lah, let's go makan ais kacang. -_-

And the STUPIIIIIIIID part is, the results are only announced at 2.30pm, and we were there at 12.40 -_- So we waited, and listened to tony fernandes long lost related brother or something. (Okay they probably aren't related)

Anyway, the rest.. well, we got into top 8, thought we'd be out thought. Then top 4, we thought we'd be out too! Mana tau... -_-


I'm awake for 17 hours already by 10pm, so my mental state was abit pissed and dulan, so fine lah, decided to just go tidur.


Keyboard's a bit screwed. Thinking of getting Tarantula.. or the Logitech keyboard.. G11 I think. See lah. it's blue illuminated. Would match my current rig and screen color combo quite well. XD.

0 voices

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Something about addiction

Something about speed is addictive. It's like having tasted very good food, that makes normal, decent food not satisfying anymore. It's a craving that makes everything else seems slow, and every other food seems distasteful, despite very well knowing consciously that it's still very fast, and those other foods, are still pretty good.

Yet it's like having tasted the upper limits and instantly everything else is measured against that new high. It's no wonder why thrill seekers constantly seek more challenges, more danger, and more fear. It's perhaps the fear that exhilarates them, that closeness to the boundaries of safety, the sensation of walking on a thin thread that holds them in the realm of the living.

Despite that though, for folks like us, ordinary yet seeking the occasional thrill, we need to remain strongly level-headed despite the immensely satisfying feedback of going very very fast. The mind must always be master of the heart, that no matter how loud the voice to go faster is, one must be clear of our own ability to go faster, the car's weaknesses, and the road that we drive on.

Else, be prepared to find yourself asking for a quick ticket to somewhere not of this world.


I've been bumping into Marilyn and her bf very often lately. I wonder why.

0 voices

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Armor Superiority

STPM and A levels came out some time ago, so did SPM. As usual, they're confused.. or more appropriately, they are finding it difficult to make a decision because of all the various influences in their lives.

I can relate how I choose ACCA back after SPM. Maybe I told quite a number of you about how I chose ACCA, maybe I didn't, so here I go.

It was one of those December days, after SPM and generally, being a 17-year old back then with not many friends, I was just staying home staring at my computer pretty much all day, or playing the PS2. My mom, and my dad felt that such regressive practice cannot continue, or else I'd turn out into a Hikki like Scott. (which back then, I didn't know quite well. I wasn't very friendly in secondary, I must admit)

And so, it so falls on them to force me to decide a course that starts in January, so as I don't have much time to rot at home, and let my idle brain remain largely idle for long. It's quite odd how such a life-changing decision for me and my family was just decided over dinner, and perhaps that is due to the lethargy and general 'whateverness' that I had during that period of intellectual blackout.

We went by a very simple method of eliminating those that I found unfavorable, so that meant medicine, pharmacy, mass-comm and all sorts of art was instantly out of the window. I admit I was very interested in how arts and mass comm operated, but despite that I never saw myself in such a creative position.

Next, was my boring personality, that I liked something that's structured, but not rigid. That meant the vast operations of Engineering and Sciences went out the window. And with that, so did business, which was also very vast in scope.

My mom was particularly accurate in her assessment of my disdain for being under the hot sun, so that meant office work.

And office work pretty much meant what's left was accounts, actuarial sciences and a whole lot of other office based numerical jobs. Then my cousin came along suggesting I do ACCA at Sunway. That pretty much sealed the deal.

So yeah, that's how I chose ACCA. Because I don't think I was fit to do everything else despite being interested in them, and because it's nearby and parking isn't a problem.

What I'm saying is, if Taylors had a proper parking and more structured campus environment rather than the mess it is now, I think I would've gone there for A-levels or something! XD

Dumb, isn't it? I'm here because of circumstances, not choice.

0 voices

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Lord Of The Rings

Let's talk about something today. Let's talk about age.

Quite a number of the people I know reasonably well are older than me. Likewise, many I know are younger too. I do realize this statement seems pointless, but whilst the age difference is actually quite minimal, I've always wondered why a lot of people seem particularly conscious about it.

Yeah, I guess if you're planning to be a worker for the rest of your remaining life, how fast you start working does factor into your bank account somehow when you reach retirement, but otherwise, I've always felt that age, despite what everyone says, isn't a disadvantage.

I view that age is actually relative. I may start work earlier, but we all know that life.. is pretty random. It isn't like fixed that we'll all live till 90 and then we'll go offline. So actually, I've recently begun to think that we shouldn't rush ourself to complete.

And it is this recent emergence and change in ideas, that made me feel slightly regretful of my decision to take more papers. Regardless though, I'm not going to be thinking of failing just to stay back. Just that, I'd take my time with my future plans.


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New toy getto!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

0 voices

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Considering Exhaustion

Exhaustion. Tiredness. The sensation almost as we're acting on borrowed time, thinking with borrowed energy. Many of you don't quite know how it felt to go through 9 to 12 hours of classes a day, and my god, the only thing keeping it seem sane, and blunt the full force of mental marathon is actually a nap.

Sat in the lecture theater of 200, it's hard to resist the temptation, and the weight of the eyelids, that only seem to get heavier by the moment. Before you know it, you're half asleep, knowing that the lecturer is speaking, and yet like all forms of hearing that isn't processed, the brain doesn't register it inside.

Yeah, speaking of which, I think I should sleep now.

0 voices

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm aware that I have a tendency to type on bullshit. Sometimes some ppl wonder why, but actually, bullshit is interesting, because it's all about how you whip up a story from nothing, abit like creative accounting really, using small amounts of half-truths to create a whole maze of bullshit.

So today I'm going to talk on one of those very small things that live in our lives.

mainly, I'm gonna talk about the stupid thing known as a word processing software, aka MICROSOFT WORD.

I don't know how many times I've almost wanted to pull my hair out because the microsoft software is so fucking stupid. I am serious, it's almost as if, it's been so many years you're in business, and yet the degree of customizations available is still BULLSHIT. Crap.

Seriously, what idiot would fix the headers and footers, and doesn't allow right-align on one side and left align on another?

Why? MONOPOLY punya pasal la. Itu microsoft tiada penentang, jadi dia tarak insentif untuk maju, macam BN. Actually I have Sun's OpenOffice on my com, but the college, being retarded, probably doesn't have OpenOffice, so I usually don't use it. Not because it isn't good, but because of compatibility and mobility issues.

This Delta model strategy, very effective, I must say.

Anyway... speaking of MONOPOLY, anyone interested to play monopoly lately? i guess not. -_-

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Considering that it's quite slow comparatively than my previous I'm quite inclined to wonder why I'm typing so slow. Don't understand? Neither do I.

A strange problem that is emerging lately. XD

Anyway, er... I just wanted to blog. Here, I blogged. Yay!

0 voices

Saturday, March 22, 2008
at the request

At the request of Ms Secretary (sharee) for some not-so-sarcastic post (in response to my so called uber sarcastic tag), I'll hereby do another tag...
*quickly browses other ppl's blogs for tags*

so here's a tag from yilian's blog

Real name: (I don't want to disclose, can ar?) Ah... alright alright, given name Tatt Hoong, surname, Soo

Nickname: Thanatos in a few forums that I go to, thanatosx in on9 games, TT by collegemates, Skinny dude by some fuckers, Egg Tart in primary, and well, yeah, a few hundred more I can't recall.

Married: Highly depends on circumstances, eh? But I do hope to get married.
Male or Female: Male.
High School: SMKSI2 for 3 years, SMKUSJ4 for 2 years. Enjoyed my time in both.

College: Sunway laaaaaaa.

Short or Long hair: SHORT, but wonders whether I'd look better with long hair.

Are you a healthy freak: Sometimes, when I feel terribly self conscious.

Height: 178cm at last measure (2-3 years ago)

Do you like yourself: Er, like no? I'm too thin for god's sake. I'd like to put on some weight and muscles

Do you have a crush on someone: I don't like this question. Very sensitive.

Piercings: None.

Righty or Lefty: righty?


Surgery: I don't know. Maybe I had once when I got into a bad accident when I was much smaller.


Person you see in the morning: My... dad?

Award: Erm.. Don't quite recall

Sport you join: I play alot of sports, but suck at almost all of them

Pet: Oh, this is gonna be long. my first dog was a furry wolf-like dog called Pikachu. I gave him to my neighbour. He's still alive, and whenever we go back we pay him a visit. Something bout dogs, they remember u for life. 2nd dog was shaggy, furry, sleepy creature that runs around the house shitting and sleeping. On one unfortunate day he went out and bam! A car smack right into his body and he flew a few feet away. Bye bye Shaggy. 3rd dog, Lucas, he's here, stupid, loves to bite and hyperactive. Doesn't even let me pet him. Stupid dog, really.


Concert: I've never been to a concert. I will though.

First crush: A girl named Hui Min, or Cindy. Pretty lady, looks mixed. I was only 11 back then though.


Eating: I can't eat and type at the same time, can I?

Drinking: Likewise, drinks and electronics don't mix.

I am about to: Type. Yes. Oh crap I'm being sarcastic again.

Your Future...

Want kids: Depends on my financial status.

Want to get married: Hope so.

Careers in mind: I'm pretty much set to be a damn accountant, although I'd like to be an automotive engineer.. or something to do with cars.

Which is better:

Lips or eyes: Eyes.

Hugs or Kisses: Hugs. You can give them to everyone who's open minded enough.

Shorter or taller: Statistics suggest I will have a shorter gf.

Romantics or spontaneous: Spontaneous? Romantics creep me out.

Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.

Trouble maker or hesistant: Guys like shy girls, U know? So alluring. *swoons*

Have you ever...

Kissed a stranger: If a stranger would let me, I would. But so far, no.

Drank bubbles: WTF IS BUBBLES? U mean the PPG that bubbles?

Lost glasses/contacts: I've never lost my glasses, but I've broken quite a few of them.

Ran way from home: Considered it a few times when I was younger

Liked someone younger: Yep.

Liked someone older: YEP.

Broke someone hearts: Girls usually do the heartbreaking, U know.

Been arrested: Arrested.... not yet.

Cried when someone died: Nope. Just couldn't make myself cry.

Liked a friend: Duh. They wouldn't be a friend if U don't like them, rite?

Do you believe in...

Yourself: Usually.

Miracles: I try to. usually gets proven otherwise, though.

Heaven: er.. ya?

Santa Claus: what?!

Magic: yes.

Angels: no.

Answer truthfully...

Is there one person you want to be right now: YES!

Do you believe in Gods: This is such a sensitive question. SKIP!


I think I can't rid the sarcasm out of me, too bad.

0 voices

Friday, March 21, 2008
3rd Raieche

Prospects of facing P4 bothers me. Sleep, isn't quite peaceful with it's presence at the back of my conscience.

0 voices

tags. bleh

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged

1. At what age do you wish to marry? - 28, maybe 30, maybe never.
2. Which football match do you wish to enjoy on spot? - A football match with a lot of good plays.
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? - The world.
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? - Rich. VERY BLOODY RICH.
5. Do you believe you can survive without money? - No. As much as I'd like to say it, wealth runs the world.
6. What are you afraid to lose the most? - Everything.
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? - Invest half of it in something secure. Other half, well.... depends. Probably travel the world, or just spend on myself.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? - Sometimes in love, despite as much as you love that someone, he or she doesn't return to favor and attention. So unless she loves me too, I wouldn't quite do it.
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? - i) good sense of humor ii)quite reliable iii) erm.. cute?
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? It changes from time to time, it's like buying a car. You know you want it, only when you see it. Right now... well...
11. Which type of person do you hate the most? - Everyone.
12. What is your ambition? - One hell of an engine engineer.
13. Which physical part of you would you change if u get a chance to go for plastic surgery? It's not a matter of what I'd change, but whether I'd accept myself after the change. if i could accept myself that way after the change, hell, i'd change everything.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? - a good laugh. I'm not kidding.
15. Are you a shopaholic or not? - Always. But I'm still working on my stamina.
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change? - Everything
17. Who is your favourite artist? - Can't claim to be a fan of any particular artist right now.
18. What's your weakest point? - Erm, I think I'm not funny enough. LOL
19. What's the thing that you're most proud of? - Nothing. I don't know. Maybe everything.
20. What makes you happy? Having friends to talk to.

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OBU is over. Time to concentrate on studies liao lor! XD

Feels good to let that annoyance out of my life.

0 voices

Thursday, March 20, 2008
From here to there

How to live on RM5 a day.

Eat paos, 4 in a day. (1 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, 1 for dinner)
Bring a water bottle, refill at school's free refills.

alright I'm kidding. i can't live on RM5 a day. I expect to eat a decent meal every day.

I guess that'll be my largest expense when I start working. EAT EAT EAT. XD

0 voices

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's raining. The world seems distorted, for a brief moment, when raindrops fall onto my windscreen. Then the wiper comes, and again for a short while, it's clear. Then the rain comes to distort everything.

The cars aren't moving. The evening pyramid crawl strikes again. -_-

Sometimes I like jams. Especially when you're not urgently trying to go somewhere. Which, it just so happens, is quite often. It's like waiting, with no sense of time. It's quite enjoyable, being stuck in a jam. I feel like it's a specially arranged time for me to just relax, and sing along to whatever is on the radio.

Sadly, the recent sore throat robbed me of that joy.


Will be playing MW now, those interested for next week's sing k session do tell me.

0 voices

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Light And Shadows

It's odd that I rarely write anything anymore these days, sometimes I blame the work of the muses, abandoning me since the day I've stepped foot into the boring, numerical realm of accountancy. Perhaps they felt I've betrayed their gift, belittled the might their inspiration when I've endeavored on this quest to study the work of money.

Or maybe that the very 'pure' gift of creativity shouldn't be wasted in the money-minded, physically tangible, quantifiable and easily recognizable industry, and the arts should never mix with business, just as how politics and religion should always be kept apart.

Regardless of the whys in my life, it has left. Or maybe it's always been here, that I've never listened to it since those days. Why? Sometimes, certain things in life, there are no reasons to them. They are what they are, and some things just happen because they are meant to be.

Maybe there is a why. But we don't need answers for everything.


Experience makes people cynical. And sarcastic. And humble.
Experience however, is no cure for totalassholism. It's kinda like the AIDS of the attitude world. Some attitudes are bad, but curable. Some attitudes, are no hope, waste of money, time and space.

I feel old lately, watching the new batch comes in. They look young, spirited, and energetic, unlike me, aging and seriously getting exhausted of all things ACCA.

I hope they enjoy themselves and not do the stupid thing I did. Taking 4 papers is seriously taking a toll on my mental psyche. I wake up each day looking into the mirror, thinking, fuck I need to sleep more.

Yeah. I remember the first semester in CAT, I didn't even toss and turn in my bed before waking it. Back then, I had enough sleep, enough time to spend on everything else, and definitely more time to spend on blogs.

Today, I've got obligations before I even have time for myself. Study here, revise there, project here, work there, read here, read there, and all over the world I have things.

Right now I'm just thinking, whether I made a mistake when I tried to mess my own life up taking so many papers.

Papers. It sounds so... ordinary. Plain. To the point I think it's misleading to call it a paper. It's definitely not a paper. It's a torture device.

Ah fuck. Screw it. I'm just getting old.

Hahah, before I know it, I'd be 40 and even more sarcastic.

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The dog's barking outside, noisy, probably hungry and in great wanting of someone's feet to bite. Or chew. Or whatever to that effect.

He's quiet now.
He's eating something, or drinking milk.

Anyway, er... I've lost most of my receipts for prior periods.. I wonder whether they can reprint.

0 voices

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Where's the damn panic button. &(#*(@($!

OBU rushing for completion (deadline is 22nd march, for those who don't know), Progress test and I haven't study for ANY of the 4 papers i'm doing, and then there's all the clashing timetables, extra classes and all that nonsense. On top of that mess, I'm fucking sick.

Just great. Just freaking great. Talk about being inundated with problems I can barely deal with.
-- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --

I've been doing alot of thinking lately. Maybe it's because the people I regularly hang out with have what I'd like to call a proper college life, 5-6 years in uni, mainly wasting their time on pointless stuff such as getting laid, playing games, run around generally making assholes of themselves.

It's to the point, where my friends right out of alvls/stpm haven't even started uni, I'll be working already.


Ah forget it.

Anyway lately life's been pretty cool, did some stuff, and other than the disease I'm having, I'm enjoying myself.

0 voices

Saturday, March 15, 2008

In an odd twist of fate, my dad's involved in UIA, aka unit internal assessment. What does that sound like? INTERNAL AUDIT. XD

0 voices

Friday, March 14, 2008

That girl, perhaps she was in our P2 class, quiet and not noticeable.

But today when she was presenting, OMG.

Maybe it was the way she dresses. Or maybe because in P2, her presence was drowned by the presence of so many others. But today, singled out in front to present, she seemed like a total babe.

Hell, she oozes magnetic attraction from every living part of her existence, it's like when she's dressed like that, she's out to kill a few men's hearts. I think my eyes were glued to her the moment she started speaking. OMG so cute so cute!

The way she swayed her hair *swoon* *swoon* *faint* It's like her hair is from a Pantene or H&S advertisement, soooooooooooooooo sexy. *swoon & stare*

Not to mention an uber-sexy name. So fitting for her weih.

Maybe up close she isn't that pretty lah! But you know how some women, despite not that pretty, knows who to make most of herself and uses her features to cleverly entice and seduce.

In chinese, we call this type of lady, got 'nu ren wei'

If I ever get to a high level position, I swear I'll hire a secretary like that. Office life won't be boring anymore! XD


On a second note, Ms Sharee looked like a secretary today. aka, lou ban liong. (tauke punya isteri)

0 voices

Thursday, March 13, 2008

the general sentiment is that ppl are recommending SPM leavers and STPM leavers to take up accountancy. In my opinion, this is BAD.

Technically the rule of supply and demand is simply, demand should ALWAYS be > Supply, especially when u are a supplier.

In our case, when the general sentiments go towards accounts as a future, it usually means an oversupply of accountants, just like in the case of the IT sector in the boom of 1990s, when even kids considered IT as their future.

In our situation, it's likely that accountancy will become a field like IT, but the growth in jobs almost seems outpaced by the growth in graduates.

No doubt we ACCA are in an advantage, since comparatively, ACCA is of higher status than typical degree graduates, however, with the larger influx of these postgrads into ACCA, it simply means competition between ACCA graduates is just going to get tougher.

Eventually, ACCA will end up like IT, with the need to specialize and take up additional qualifications, just as how IT ends up having CCNA, MCSE, and all the other specialized accreditations.

If that is how the future is, that's not very good for us.

Seriously. Bleh.

0 voices

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Music while you drive

Recently I've gotten my hands on some rather cool music, whilst not very sing-along worthy, they are very relaxing.

I'm not sure why, but a part of me, probably that wannabe sophisticado (yuppie) that feels all tickled fancy when it's in the middle of the night, with the yellow ambiance outside from the lampposts and lights in the far distance. Or perhaps it's the blue glow of the CD player and the dials.

Most likely the blue dials.

It just feels cool when everything is blue, and jazz music is playing. Not to mention at the time I'm traveling back, the road is pretty much quiet and empty, with a few cars.

It really felt for a moment I'm at a private jazz lounge of my own, and I really can't help feeling all smug and content about it. Jazz and lounge music is just soooooo cool.

Yeah, I know, jazz music is filled with sad undertones, conveying messages of longing, distance and loneliness through the almost divine arrangements of piano, saxophone, and guitar, and yes if you really get captured by the music, the emotions can almost seem real.

Despite all that though, it still feels cool, instead of emo. Maybe it's because despite all that sorrow, it still has an occasional upbeat rhythm that really lifts your spirits.

I guess that's how jazz musicians view life, it may be sad, lonely and filled with disappointments yet always maintain an upbeat attitude despite it all.

Hahaha. Actually it just feels so cool listening to instrumental jazz when driving at night. XD

(i'm syok-sendiri-ing actually)

0 voices

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wow. Just wow.

They even used DHL express to send it.
Wow. Handsigned too!

Rejoice! XD XD XD


I wanted to say you look pretty, but I guess I just couldn't find the words.

0 voices

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The roads were quiet. In the air was a floating sensation, that the people are wary. Backlash. Riot. Those were the words spoken in a hush, things said quietly like it wasn't meant to be said, the knowing glances and looks on the faces of the elderly that perhaps the next few days wouldn't be quite safe.

Taboo. That was how afraid some were. Teens out late at night on Saturday rushed home at the mere whisper that things might get messy. Friends rushed home on rumours of Klang fightings, mere rumours deterred these normally adventurous young adults.

Then I got to college. The guard came out, walked towards the shop at the corner. He saw a gang of taxi drivers, and he raised his arms, saying, 'Yeah!'

The taxi driver smiled, and replied, 'Padan muka dia.'

I felt a sigh of relief coming. Our nation isn't the mess it was 30 years ago,. The strongman mentality is no longer strong in the present day Klang Valley, and the oppositions learned from the lessons of time and history that patience is key, that all the victory the voters have given them, could go to waste if they couldn't control their own supporters.

If anything, it marked a milestone, that our nation's society is more matured. A society that the internet helped build. For that, I have streamyx to thanks.


(I qualify my statement that over the next few days, it might still prove to be rocky)


Pray that the country remains sane in spite of change.

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The large opposition vote swing... can be dangerous. Be careful over the next few days, k?

0 voices

Friday, March 07, 2008

election tomorrow.

be careful of the places you all choose to go. it can get... messy.

0 voices

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

When it feels like things in your body are going for a roller coaster ride, you generally know you're in for a mood swing. (To be honest, it's actually my stomach. I've been having terrible stomach disorders lately. And when your tummy doesn't feel too good, don't expect the guy to be good either)

(no surprise why they say, win a man through his stomach XD)

Anyway, lately.. I've been having OBU and it's causing much uneasiness in my recent life, bothered by the thought that I haven't got the damned thing fucking over with. So yeah, I'm hoping to get the farking shit over with today.

Classes, SunwayTES is pretty much in panic mode. The lecturers seemed stressed save a few, and personally I'd narrow it down to a few things.

Lecturers spend too much time on stuff not relevant. I personally feel it is in their teaching method that is significantly flawed. Telling us what she plans to do won't change anything. We trust you to tell us all we need to know. We don't need to know your plans.

I felt if we reduced all that nagging and emoing about results, we'd be able to concentrate on what needs getting done more. As they say, less talk, more work.

As students, what is glaringly obvious to us is the fondness for frequent pauses in class. If classes proceed at a faster pace, everyone would shut up, because if they didn't, they'd just missed something. But as an act of respect, we students don't tell our lecturers that he or she is wasting time. After all, we recognize that some of us, myself including, need regular recovery pauses after a rush of information.


Disease -> Unstable emotions.

Terrible stomach pain -> Bad temper. Usually.

0 voices

Sunday, March 02, 2008
Long wait for hell

I was driving home today, and as usual I had the habit of going... quite fast. (100km)

However, today was also one of those irregular days when I feel like wanting to die, so the way I drove was a little... as usual, mad.

Alright, fine, it wasn't mad. I was just turning and cutting between a mad motorbike and a slow P-car at 70 at a rather bad turn. But still, the sensation was unnerving.


I sometimes think that the choices I've made in my life, won't make me very happy, only content with it. Sometimes for joy, what we sacrifice is more than what a normal person would dare to lose. I think, I'm only normal, and I wouldn't sacrifice so much for joy.

Remember the 1/3 things I chose previously? Whilst consciously I'd choose 3, and then 1/2, I think the actions in my life seems to be leaning towards choosing choice number 2.

What we say we would do, and the choices we make unconsciously in life, often would not be the same.


Saw a quote from a blog that I find has meaning.

  • Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.
    • Translation: The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.

Me thinks of travels to lands far away.

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Anyway, I've got my new com.

22inch Samsung LCD widescreen. (SO HUGE compared to my 15 inch CRT)
Quadcore q6600
2gb corsair XMS2 RAM
and most importantly nvidia 9600GT (yay)

HAHA, whilst happy, my emotions are a mix of longing, because I have 4 papers to study, thus I can't devote myself to playing on it. It's kinda like, having it, but not being able to devote myself fully to use it.

And CNC3 looks leet on it. XD

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Most wanted is not working. I need a new disc. Anyone has Most Wanted/Carbon to lend me? (prefer Most Wanted. I don't like the nightlife style of Carbon)

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

CK just came over, tinkered left and right, and I'm quite a happy guy now.

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HAIZ~ P35D instead of the IP35E.

Well, never mind. Mom's paying.

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