Pic belongs to jureba40

Sunday, January 24, 2010
One lesson

One lesson I feel our generation needs to really learn, is to be able to confront suffering, and accepting them as part of the cycles of life. Constant avoidance of suffering, perhaps temporary comforting, is merely a postponement of suffering.

Above all, I hope I myself can understand it, practice it, and embed it within myself, that suffering is something that we must all go through to be who we want to be.

Yet it's still so hard.


2 voices

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Beginning with a bit of appreciation

Let's begin the year with a bit of appreciation :D

Every now and then news gets to you, that says hey, 'so-and-so is making RMx,xxx', or so and so is working in singapore/australia/new zealand making aud21/hour and works 3 days a week only! At first, I'm jealous. After all, the money is very good, and tempting. In all sincerity I contemplated, and I considered the options that are available.

Or perhaps that entrepreneurial friend that gets talked about during gatherings about how successful and well off he is now. And again, I think, I wonder, and I imagine.

And yet I made no action.

I've asked myself why a few times. Inaction? Laziness? Often I just shrug the matter of as a passing fad, a desire to keep up that's probably irrelevant. Lately though, as those news gets more frequent, that envious voice gets stronger, and I can no longer ignore it with a simple statement that holds no water.

I had to sit, and really think why I'm not doing anything. That envious voice needs to be silenced with a strong dose of logic and reason.

And this, is what I came up with.

For all the complaints I have about work (and there aren't much), fundamentally I like my job. I've grown attached to the flexibility and the times when y0u get to go off on long breaks. Heck, even the peak is actually quite exciting because there's a kind of adrenaline rush to having a deadline, and a sense of accomplishment when we achieve things.

Then there's the social aspect. I like having friends that I can easily hang out with, and the sense of belonging. It's something that endears one to whatever he is doing. Point is, am I happy? If I am, there is no point leaving. Money can't buy happiness and satisfaction, and if I'm satisfied and happy, I don't need the money. And so I stay. True, I believe they'll be a point when I will need to do something, but now, in this period of time, I'm staying put. =D

There is no point for me to make such a big jump for a difference I don't need.

2 voices

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