Pic belongs to jureba40

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

I bet this phrase rings familiar to those exposed to snow white, no?

Now, what do we really see in a mirror? Does it come naturally, that who we see in that mirror, is ourselves? Is that reflection how everyone else see's us? Is it, that by over the years of self-made vanity and ego, what we see in the mirror is truly what we are?

Of course not. Everyone knows it, hell, even science proves that what we see is not what we are. The person we see in the mirror is a skewed perspective of ourselves, a version of us flipped left-to-right. That person, is not us. Never was, never will be. We only think it is ourselves. It has never been us, nor will it ever be.

If you think you look horrible in the mirror, well, you might not be in real life. If you think you look great, you actually might not. It's quite strange how we, as people, are so easily deluded and confused by the fleeting image, the reflection.

I remember the song, reflection. Heck, who cares about the reflection? We humans are born to cause chaos and wreck havoc. To judge ourselves merely wastes our time with self-indulgence and narcissism.

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