Pic belongs to jureba40

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Ever get that feeling?

Found this on the web recently. (as usual, at some forum god knows where)

That kind of feeling, that somehow you just know you want to spend your life with her, together. That kind of feeling, where you just know there is a future. Don't know why, but just do.

I call that, chemistry.

Before you know it, you just had a chemical reaction and it'll take hell to separate the two of you.


Chemistry sia~ People in love are so stupid. And so poetic. Love(and all associated emotions, events, and activities) = poet's brain food.

2 voices

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Oh stupid politics

Malaysians need to start giving the governing party a run.

It's stupid, to think that these guys are voting for the present ruling party, because they are the present ruling party.

We've been given shit long enough, at least change the kind of shit we've been getting.

0 voices

Mon Calamari Cruisers FTW

I like big fleets of stuff.

I like hoards. I love hoards.

I love zergs for the sheer scare factor that comes with overwhelming number. I like fleets of carriers and their mini-interceptors that blanket the sky.

I love hundreds of ion cannon frigates, hyperspacing into the battle. (trainers, ftw)

I like breaking the unit limits, in Battle For Middle Earth, and amassing 2000+ supply worth of riders. In the same game, I love summoning 20 balrogs. (and lag my computer to no known end) (both done with a trainer)

I like having 100+ bombers in TA, and bomb all they goddamned see to smithereens.
I like big armies of Orks in Warhammer40k. (trainers)
I like hoards of tanks in Empire Earth 2.
I like hoards and HOARDS of troops in Age Of Mythology.
I like hoards and HOARDS of battleships.
and now, I can add to that, a big hoard of Cruisers and Star Destroyers.

I have terrible hoarding habit.

As we can all see, I love winning either by sheer quantity, or by the sheer godlikeness of 1 single unit.

In my mind, there's only 2 ways of stylo victory. U win with huge armies that flood the plains, or you win with a 1-man army. Everything else does the job, it is the 2 above methods that come across to me like, 'You have nothing better to do, don't you.'

As you can see, I'm a big anti-limiter.

I think limiting the amount of stuff you can build/control is just stupid.
I thought people should be getting rid of that unit limit thing already.

0 voices

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Most Wanted

Early morning, whilst the mist haven't left, whilst the sun still hides behind the hills, usually a time when the little children still curl themselves in bed, a time when the lazy still roll around with a pillow in their arms, their eyes barely open.


The calm, was broken, by the roar of a single machine, a single abomination and monstrosity of metal, plastic and everything in between. Abrupt and sudden, the near-silence turned into the noise of a raceway, filled with screeching tyres, and screaming engines.

'This is a code 6 pursuit. All vehicles drop all non-priority tasks and assist the pursuit.'

The sirens blared, the birds flew out of their trees, the sleepy woken from their state of semi-slumber.

The cars cut through the mist, creating visible swirls in the air, the blue and red siren lights, behind the veil of mist seemed like an ambient glow, a dancing parade of colors.

Like a snake, the parade of cars slithered through the city, and everywhere it went, everyone was jolted from their land of dreams.

'Do not lose sight of the vehicle. I want him arrested.'



Should be studying. Should be.

0 voices

Monday, November 27, 2006
Angels brought me here

I know it's late, I know you're weary,
I know your plans, don't include me,
Still here we are, both of us lonely,
Longing for shelter, from all that we see,
Why should we worry, no one will care,
Look at the stars, so far away,

We've got tonight,
who needs tomorrow,

We've got tonight,
why don't you stay?

0 voices

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Anyway, today I woke up real early.


For the goddamned ACCA graduation ceremony all the way in KL. (ah, KL. It's been a while since I've tasted it's metropolitan and cosmopolitan air)

(I officially do not regret joining this blasted course as of today.)

Why? You don't need to know. It's a private thing. A matter of preference, I'd say.

Anyway, the 4 of us was having lots of fun in the first row. Even the emcee told me after the ceremony that we were giggling ourselves away. (OF ALL WORDS to use, GIGGLING. What?!!!!! When I laugh does it sound girly?) Oh, the emcee is kinda cute. Later when we were talking, she said, 'Hahaha, you'll be seeing me again very soon.'

The 4 of us, is of course, Krystin, Sean[erm.. engineering student from UM, he did his CAT part time while waiting for his application into UM.], Aneesa[LENGLUI like wtf. She's pakistani arab descent. My god, she was in her tudung, and she was like one hot chick already. Serious. She's fair (VERY WHITE SKIN), she's fluent in English, she's brilliant, and she's foreign-blooded. (big swooon), and lastly, yours truly, ME.]

Oh, btw. I'm not a camgolo. The thing was looking at me, of course I have to do a little pose lar! Yor~ (Peace sign FTW)

Then we had this photo session, and I was standing next to the Datuk Azman, MD of Khazanah. My god. This guy is probably worth at least RM10million. AT LEAST. I hope some of that money is mine some day~

Oh. I got lazy of counting. (Too many of them~)

And the prizewinners? 40% of the prizewinners are cute, one way or another. (Too bad older. T_T) (the silver medalist and bronze medalist are lengluis. ^_^)

Then when all the dillydallying was over, we went to the VIP holding room. Windows@KL at the TOP floor LVL 30. (penthouse floor ^_^)

So while the rest of them miserable creatures have to hunt for seats and food, the select few of us, have tables, waiters, plenty of food and plenty of peace and quiet to enjoy the food laid before our eyes and body.

Oh. Mr Teo was on this special table, marked


HOLY SHIT! Ownage.

Ah~ So, Sui Yuan & Christine, is that enough motivation for you to start studying? HEHEHEHEHEHE.

Nothing motivates more than the prospect of rewards, darlin'

4 voices

Friday, November 24, 2006
July - November 2006 Summary Report

This post about what I've learnt during these 4/5 months will be long. VERY long. So I'll split it into a few sections.

This is PART 1.

Hahahaha. The semester has ended. AT LONG LAST.

Now that I have the entire morning all the myself, I'm going to post a summary of what I felt about the entire semester.

First off, I'd like to thank someone.

Thank you, really. I wouldn't have been such a big fat(actually stick-thin) asshole (actually, jackass) going around making a fool (more like coming across as weird) of myself, talking and mixing with people I barely know. Actually, literally people I don't know, if not for what you did.

Really one big thank you right there, and maybe a hug too. (don't worry, it's just a hug. Rafidah hugged Mahathir anyway)

Anyway, to quote Ashton Kutcher from The Guardian, 'You can jump off a helicopter, and you can't ask a girl out?'

Some hell of a wisdom right there. I have the guts to just speed when I shouldn't and drive dangerously, and so, why the hell am I afraid to talk to people! (past tense, really. I don't really care now.)

And trying to get those thoughts out of my mind is some hell of motivation to actually just throw everything away and just say, 'The hell with it. Not gonna care anymore!'

Seriously. The best time to do something new, is when you know there's nothing to lose anymore. You already lost it. Sulking makes no difference. Go out and PROVE HER WRONG. That you have so much to give, and too bad, she made a bad decision. There's a really cool phrase, 'Don't get angry, get even.'

I bet it'll piss any girl off, if she sees the happiness that COULD HAVE been hers, but now is someone else's! (never really did this yet, but hell it sure sounds cruel.)

(I came up with this idea after hearing a story on the radio about a girl who rejected a hot superstar before he was a superstar. Imagine how'd she feel right now when the guy is a rockstar, travelling across the world! If only she said yes! HAHAHAHA. I bet the guy will be saying, 'Serve you right, bitch. You couldn't see the potential in me.')

However, the above tactic only works, if you are better than a decent guy. You have to be the rather 'exceptional' kind of guy, and if she rejects you, give your heart to someone else. There was a chinese saying, 'Hao Ma Bu Chi Hui Tou Cao' (literal translation, good horse don't eat grass it passed by. Meaning, look it up.)

So here's a tip from me. If you are afraid to talk to a girl, think about something really dangerous you did before.

And tell yourself. I did those, what the fuck am I afraid of this chick for! She's just a girl! You'd kick her fucking ass if you wanted to.

(Subsection 2(1)(a) : Female Martial Arts Exponents qualifies for full exemption from the above statement.)

If you are still afraid, unless your dealing with a subsection 2.1.a, then I have nothing to say of you.

Another reason for you to just go out and mix.

Friends come and go. You can't expect to be with the same group for all eternity. Yes, you'd wish it can happen, but I've seen it. I've done it myself. Groups have drifted apart, conflicts have arisen, and people come and go.

When that happens, you don't want to have nowhere else to go.

There was a small text I read before, 'I trust you, but if you betray my trust, I'll be ready.' (WHO SAYS PLAYING GAMES DON'T TEACH YOU ABOUT LIFE IS AN IDIOT. Wars games are all about alliances and breaking them.)

(I think I should start writing a motivational newsletter. Probably can make good money out of it.)

(to be continued....)

0 voices

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Dream A Little Dream

Anyway, bet everyone heard about the 4 papers, 4 papers, and 3 papers.

Well. I'm gonna say what I'll be doing.

Next semester, is surely 4 papers already. There is no doubt about that.
The semester after that, if I find I can handle the first 4 papers, I'll take 4 papers, if not, I'll take 3.

However, I do like to try and finish it in 1 1/2 years. Probably can take 1 or 2 month to break before starting work as an auditor.

Yes. You heard me. I want to do it in 1 1/2 years.


Anyway, I know everyone has a few little things they want.

So, I'll say something I'd like to own by the time I'm 25/26

A sports car.
For the weekends to thrash around and let that speed addicted son of a bitch inside me have it's share of fun.

And a house.
I don't want to live with my parents! Not saying it's bad, but I want a house. Someplace I call mine, and wholly mine. To borrow from tax, 'Wholly and Exclusively' Someplace I can decorate however I want.

(I love decorating my own home, but I rarely do it because I don't have the money. Furnitures are so expensive, you know. Run into the thousands, especially those I like...)

Anyway. What do you hope to have by 25/26? If you don't mind, do share.

Life's simple, they say. Car, Career, House. That's all you need to live a good life.

0 voices

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Colorgenics, Lolz.

You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

The way things are at this time is causing you considerable stress and anxiety. Your friends and acquaintances consider you to be - to say the least - difficult and unapproachable.(really?) Now it is because of this that you need to find some sort of solution. By doing nothing and waiting for matters to right themselves will only make things worse, but don't rush into making hasty decisions - make haste slowly.

You feel tired - worn out and listless. The last thing that you want to do is to be in an open conflict with those around you that are forever tormenting you. What to do? That's the rub. You are feeling that you are being choked - unable to breathe.

For whatever the reason, you find it extremely difficult to sustain relationships - that is to sustain them in the manner that you would wish. You are a very gentle sort of person, full of feeling, sensitivity and susceptible to love and affection, looking and longing for a partner with whom you can enjoy 'All things bright and beautiful' - someone with whom you can seek out the more esoteric things of life. But up to now this person has only existed in your imagination. You are very choosy, appreciative, refined and extremely artistic in temperament and it is your hope to seek others who will allow you to form and express your own taste and judgement and who at the same time may assist you in your intellectual or artistic growth. (i definitely agree with this. reality and fantasy is so different)

You are inclined to be too trusting and you feel that you need to be on your guard against the possibility that your endeavours and actions may be misunderstood. Too often you have been taken advantage of and you have been mentally abused. Now you are seeking a relationship which can provide peace of mind, where you can be yourself and not have the need to put on a false front.

0 voices



Anyway. Found Mi Yuan and Suyen at medan today. Hahaha.

Both of them so teruk~ Ish~

Pigs. Eat so much snacks somemore. Somemore want me to pay! #$#(%*! (still i didn't pay lar)
Hahaha. Really pigs. (ZHU TOU!)

Anyway, the semester is going to end soon.

I think I should start writing a summary of the semester, no?

0 voices

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I was half-asleep 85% of the class today.

Actually. I did sleep today. She saw, but she didn't seem to mind me sleeping. I guess she just assumes I completed it. (Damn sleepy lar.. dunno why oso. Haiz~)

Then, I got my coffee.

Latte, actually. Wait. Latte is such an underserving word. I hereby declare coffee to be called 'Ambrosia'. Food of the gods!

Me -> Coffee = Popeye -> Spinach.

So energetic afterwards! Hahaha.

0 voices

Monday, November 20, 2006

I am tired.

The whole day just feels very tiring.


This stinks.

0 voices

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Aw fuck

Fact 1.


IT FUCKING SUCKS. (maybe it's cos of the goddamned bullshit of a construction, but damn, it sucks)

Fact 2.

40 Credits ain't enough to finish House Of The Dead 4, if you suck at shooting. (like me)

Fact 3.

What the fuck is there to do at pyramid? Seriously.

0 voices

Sylvan Shimmerings

Life gives me interesting, but opposite choices sometimes.

Anyway, yesterday when I was at Borders@The Curve, was a reading a book, called, 'Understanding Your Personality Type.'

Yes. I know it's gay, I know it's lame, but damn I find them highly addictive reads. I'd just go over them, and books of that sort. Why? It's just damn amusing sometimes. It's the very same thrill of doing quizzes and all.


Sincerely I love the self-help section. I find them.. very amusing.


Anyway, probably going out later. Hope the 2 bugger don't FFK me.

0 voices

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Bumbling Beetles

Kinda wish I had enough time.


I kind of never said this before, but time, right now, feels insufficient.

Haiz, wanted to hang out a little longer with yoyo gang, so can do some shopping.
Wanted to hang out with Junwey, for whatever game he plays.. (DotA).
Wanted to hang out with scott, for Marvel UA and Carbon....
Then had my relatives had a gathering....


I wish i could go for all of them, in the end, went with yoyo and my relatives, since already agreed beforehand.

Next week oso will be busy.

Hahaha, I must admit, I like being busy and having events to attend.

If only I had enough time for each and everyone of them, though.

0 voices


Well, whaddayaknow!

I'm listening to Justin and JoJo ... My goodness, I have become a mainstream idiot.

The dark side has grabbed me. (pop is evil. it's mind control dude (hippy style voice))

I am now a minion to generic tunes and rhythms. (no~~~~~~~~)



Anyway, feeling slightly romantic today. Weirdly. Hahha.

0 voices

Friday, November 17, 2006

I am so bloody happy right now.


I finished Phantom Brave. ^_________^ (I spent at least 5 hours on the game alone today... Don't know how it sucked me in, but it did.)

[Big Damned Smile on my face, pretty much feels like I'm on high or something.]


Yep. And tax... is left untouched. ^_^

0 voices

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Well, today was Siu Hong's birthday. Happy birthday HONGHONG.


Anyway, what I really wanted to blog about, was what woke me up in the middle of night.

I was woken up by a dream. I don't know to say it's a nightmare, or a dream, because both scares me.

It was the first time I woke up, and felt a real strange feeling, a mix of hate.. a mix of.. fear, a mix of regret, a mix of... everything. A myriad of emotions swamped me, it felt like I was stuck in a witch's cauldron, and the emotions are being stirred together. I wanted to sleep, but it kept flashing.

All because of the few words in that dream!

I must say, I've never felt so much regret and despair since.. I don't remember when! That moment was like, all the regret I should have had, was unleashed in a single flicker of a moment.

Short, sweet, and damn, it was painful.

The words itself wasn't supposed to be painful! My freaking goodness.

You'd probably laugh if I told you what the words were, so... no. You won't get it.

0 voices

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lunch, was early today.
And damn it was hell lots of fun.

Quotes are made of words, but what separates them, is that they are made of the right words.

Always love your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." ~Oscar Wilde

0 voices

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well, Jasmine is turning out be one of my favourite chatting partners.

It's quite rare for me to find a girl, who has some kind of vision. And can stake claim to be smarter than me! In every way possible. I hope she really gets to be a doctor (i have no doubts she will).

There was once a saying, one of the greater joys in life is to meet your equal. Kind of nice to have a good debate and conversation in matters normally ignored by other girls.

Wyn yan, if you know other such math-crazy girls intro to me u know.

Girls who can hold their own in the intellectual and thinking aspect = +50 points.

Actually, maybe I just respect them a little more than usual lar. (I mean, it's natural bias and preference)

0 voices


Whee!!! I found another lovely love duet. ^_^

Zhou Wen Xuan & Cao Ge - Love Queen OST -


0 voices

Clarity Redux

Anyway, today, no major events.

So, boring as always. Not that I pay attention to anything these days. Yep.

Went home, slept. Yeah. I was that sleepy.


A quote a day keeps insanity away!

'If life didn't fuck you up, you won't have stories to tell.'


0 voices

Monday, November 13, 2006

Remember that Mr Jay once taught us a rule?

Where 20% effort contributes to 80% of results? Something like that?
Anyway, I found a more practical usage for that. It seems, 20% of the events that happen in your life, inspires 80% of the worry.

And I was like 'Oh my goodness, I've just seen the light.' (Actually, this is only a figurative description, because I was reading a book, then suddenly this store worker came around and said, 'Erm, can you don't read on the floor? There are chairs available.' and since I was on the floor, the fella looked huge and blocked out the light.)

Yes. Something, that was less than 20% of my life, became the worry of 80% of the day.

And the 80% of life, (ACCA), was barely even 20% of my focus and worries.


Yes. I'm an idiot. You can say that to me again. Actually, when I think about it, if I'm an idiot, most probably you are too!



What's with the colored words? Figure it out!


For your entertainment, here is a scene.

Speiss's Self Talk Therapy Sessions, number 1.

Anyway, good morning, how are you?

I am good, how about you?

I'm an asshole, how do I solve that?

You take plaster cement, and cover the asshole. Thus, you are no longer a hole. You are simply an ass. That's much better, isn't it? At least your only an ASS.

But I like being a hole. I just don't want to be an ass.

(sweat) Are you gay?

Yes. That's why I need the hole.

I... see.... I should get going now. Bye.



0 voices

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I finished my goddamned NFS:Carbon today, with a fucked up controller.

Yes. Wonderful.

(how is my controller fucked up? simple)

it has a natural turn left. so, sometimes when my intention is just go straight, poof, it goes left, and BANG. Hits the big concrete wall '-50mph'

And I won Darius in the first leg of the canyon duel. (dunno wtf he doing, suddenly slow down until i can overtake him. HAHAHA.)


And, I know how much I actually sucked at NFS.


I suck.

I take back any claims to 'proness' in NFS I once staked a claim to.

Come pwn me in NFS. It's really easy. Trust me.

0 voices

Saturday, November 11, 2006

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

3 voices


Argh fuck, I'm sick.



Anyway, I'm going to post a little motivation post here.

Written by Tucker Max, an online writer who's living quite nicely, after years of senseless misery in Law and Business.

Your whole rambling diatribe breaks down to this sentence, "I don't have the balls at age 20 to get out of this predetermined, generally understood path I'm headed on. How the fuck do I do it?"

First off, you should give yourself some credit. At least you know that you are stuck on a path you don't want to be on, the path that others have predetermined for you, and you recognize that it doesn't make you happy, and you want to do something about it. In order to fix something, you must first recognize where the problem lies, and you see that. Like Confucius said, the longest journey begins with the first step, and you have taken it.

But don't start sucking your own dick quite yet. You have a decision to make; you can stay on that path and become a suit, just another numbered cog in the meaningless corporate bullshit world, slowly dying one day at a time in a job you hate doing work no one cares about...or you can choose life. Before you do read anything else, you have to decide: What kind of person am I going to be? Before I can show you how to reach your dreams, you have to decide if you even want to go after them. If you just have a general malaise about your job prospects or your life, well thats super, go drink a fucking beer and shut the fuck. But if you actually want to change something, if you want to get off the shitty path that you are on and get onto one that you like, only then should you keep reading. Make no mistake about it, this is a decision you are making, whether its conscious or not, about how you are going to live your life.

If you decide that you do in fact want to get off the path you are now on, the next thing you must recognize is that if you want to find your personal destiny and achieve happiness, you have an incredibly hard road ahead of you. I know exactly what that road is like and what you have in front of you, and man---I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is. It's quite literally an experience that cannot fully be explained. Breaking from the pack and going out on your own is like no other experience. You must commit to the journey. You must be willing to sacrifice and work and strive and suffer more than those who take the standard path. Just know that it will be hard, harder than you can even understand, and mentally prepare yourself. Do not take the road I took unless you are willing to pay the price.

Now that you have recognized that you don't want to be just another suit, and that you have a difficult road ahead of you, the hard part begins...and I can't really give you much guidance.

You see, everyone has their own destiny, what Paulo Coelho called a "Personal Legend" in The Alchemist, and no one can really tell you specifically what it is. That is what he affixed the "Personal" prefix; it is uniquely yours and no formula or checklist exists to reach it. If you want an instruction sheet for your life where you can check off the boxes, go back to Merryl and be a number. There is always room for one more suit.

Do you think that at any point before I put up TuckerMax.com someone could have told me that this is what I'd be doing? Fuck no. Even if I didn't call you an idiot and a kook, I would never have seen the path to get from Duke Law Student to here. You know why? That path didn't exist. I cut this path myself. I made my own place in the world.

All this being said, I won't just toss you to the wolves and wish you luck. I can't give you a checklist to find your destiny, but I can give you some advice:

-Let go. Just like you can't walk a tight rope if you are clutching the platform, you can't find your destiny if you are clinging to the safety of school, work or family. This doesn't mean that you should drop out of school, cut ties with everyone you know and be unemployed, it simply means that you cannot have both safety and achievement. Achievement requires risk, and risk abhors safety.

-Stop doing what others expect you to do. You are the only one living your life, not your parents, your teachers or your friends. They all have opinions about what is best for you, but what the fuck do they know? Their lives are just as fucked up as yours, and they probably don't even realize it or have the courage to attempt to change it. You cannot cut a path through the jungle of life to your destiny if you are busy satisfying the demands and expectations of others. Love your family and friends, but live for yourself.

-To find you destiny, learn to listen to yourself. A wise man told me when I was only 7 years old that I was going to be a great entertainer one day. I brushed it off because I wanted to be Indiana Jones. For the next 20 years I continued to run from and fight my destiny. I went to the hardest undergrad in the country and majored in a hard science (before switching to pre-law to graduate in three years), then I went to law school, then I tried to run a business. I refused to listen to myself, I ignored all the signs, even though the whole time I was writing, keeping a journal, and often obsessing over skills that would later serve me in my entertainment career but had no application to law or business. It wasn't until I was 26 that I finally stopped doing what I thought I was "supposed" to do and learned to listen to myself and do what I wanted to do, to find my destiny.

The fact is, there is something out there that you should be doing, and it isn't working as a suit at Merryl. You know this, which is why you are so frustrated with your life and why you wrote me that email. I have no idea what that thing is, but my guess is that you probably have an inkling as to what it is. Accept it. Start moving toward your destiny. You don't have to do it all at once, you don't have to drop everything, but you do need to at least start thinking about it now.

But maybe you really aren't sure. Ok, that's fine. Keep on the "prescribed" path for now, but start listening to your soul. It will eventually tell you what it is you should be doing, if you let yourself hear it. The day I knew I needed to commit myself to the entertainment business was the day that I woke up and realized that the only thing getting me out of bed was writing funny emails to my friends and reading great books. I realized that even though I'd spent my classroom time studying economics and law, I'd spent most of my free time reading and writing other things, and that I should stop fighting myself and work in the field that truly interested me.

-One last thing: Have the courage to chase your destiny when it presents the opportunity. If you follow the advice above, it will be difficult, but at some point you will have a chance to chase your destiny. It is a hard road even just getting there, but sadly, that is only the first part of the journey. You must then decide to go after what it is you want. That act--making the conscious decision to step off the beaten path and take the risk to carve your own place in the world--is possibly the hardest thing you will ever do in your life.

I can't definitively tell you how to get that courage. You either have it or you don't. I know I have what it takes; you are reading the very proof of this fact. But I don't know if I could tell you how or where I got it. I do know one thing: The courage to follow your dream has nothing to do with intelligence, race, color, creed, religion, sex or any other way to differentiate one human from another. The strength of character needed to take that risk come from deep within your soul.

I have a notion where it comes from. I think courage is the confidence of knowing that you have what it takes to accomplish your goal, the belief in the rightness of your cause, and the intense desire to get what it is you are after. I don't know though. At the end of the day, it's ultimately one of those things that you feel it or don't.

You started out asking how you can find the balls to do what you want in life. All I can do is point you in the direction you need to go, but you have to make the journey yourself. You have to decide what type of man you want to be. Do you want to be just another number...or do you want to be one of those people who lived their life on their terms, like me. There is very little in life that is a choice, except life itself. Now you have to choose.


What am I meant to do?

0 voices

Friday, November 10, 2006
Cauldron Of Sorrows

What is this seemingly incomprehensible feeling, that constitutes a random mixture of various elements of life, of which many are inseparable and deeply intertwined, thus contributing to an ever more complex situation which I myself, as the host and the one on the receiving end of this highly turbulent mix of emotion, is dumbfounded and left at a state where he, or more accurately, myself is confused and at a lack of comprehension, most probably arising from a general statement of prolonged hate and also a state of prolonged repulsive behaviur, therefore further complication the argument that whatever that is said, can and will be wrong, and as such I believe my words will be twisted against me, and my actions be eventually tainted and corrupted as a vague but very painful swipe at my own personality, which indirectly proves that he or she is not a person of good moral character to begin with, which leads to the escalation of my abhorrence and hatred for that particular person, and over time has become ingrained an inseparable, and so if anything were to happen between you and me, it's simply because I really really start to hate you so much, that sometimes I think you are a waste of human population space, and the world could have better use of the food and resources available, than giving it to a bastard such as yourself.

That, was 1 sentence. Thank you, and fuck off.

1 voices

Audit and Picture Side B: Sheryl

First off, audit.

Well. It ended on a real sour note today, I told my parents about my audit results.

My dad said :
It's a real wake up call now. You should really start studying and take everything seriously. It's time you stopped the hours spent napping in the afternoon, stop the countless hours on the ps2 and computer games, and of course stop the onlining.

And of course, you need to take it seriously! Stop playing a fool like you don't care. It's your future.
My mom said,

Someone just got a bad results, about time I start confiscating the computer and the ps2 and all. I'm so angry...

-_-" Wtf. (I fear the fury of my mom. My dad rarely gets angry.)

Well.... They aren't really wrong... Sincerely, compared to last semester this semester I really did far less studying. I guess, I should start?


Second, the girl's side of the story. The follow up to yesterday's story.


The snow is falling outside, and Christmas will come after nightfall. Here I am, curled up like a pig in my blanket, feeling a little sick, feeling a little drowsy, watching the little balls of white snow slowly falling like leaves.

Oh damn.

I hate this kind of times, really. Everytime I'll end up thinking of you, and what we did together. Just makes me sick in the stomach even more, just... feels like a stab in your chest.

'Here I stand alone, with this weight on my heart, and it will not go away.'

I miss the time, I miss the moments we've spent together, when you looked after me like a child, like a baby. Looking around I see faint shadows, illusions of you still sitting at that same chair, drinking the usual cup of coffee.

'In my head to I keep on looking back, right back to the start, wondering what it was that made you change.'

If there was a wish I could make to Santa for this year, probably it would be to have you back in my arms again. Last year's Christmas, as I looked back at the pictures I still kept for memory, I couldn't help but smile.

'Do you think how it would have been sometimes, do you pray that I never left your side, what if I never let you go.'

Whenever I saw presents for Christmas, it reminded me of the time we spent days searching stores for bargains, at the places on the road less taken, and of the small jewel of a gift that we came across, like that little bracelet I still wear.

'If only we could turn back the hands of time, but I guess we'll never know.'

All that memory of you, still won't help me pass the night alone. I can only wish, that Santa will bring you back to my life.

4 voices

Thursday, November 09, 2006

2nd post for the day, lolz.


Holy shit I am officially jealous.


These people are only 16 for god's sake!

And they have such a beautiful love story. What. The. Hell.

But it kinda makes me happy lar, that the world still has some fairytales. Really gives you hope that if we are open to it, and we don't burden ourselves to suspicion and hate, we can find this kind of beautiful love stories.

All we need, is to open our eyes a little wider.

1 voices

Picture Side A: Keith

Anyway, nothing much except I got a little inspired to write a 2 part love story. (muse just hit my head when I'm half asleep~)

It's inspired by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow's Picture, and it's about a couple, that had something happened between them, and thus went their separate ways. However, they end up regretting what they did, and wondered what it might have been, if that day never happened.

It's also my first attempt at a songfic.

The characters are,

Sheryl, named after Sheryl Crow, the singer.
Keith, named after Keith Urban, the country star. (Odd calling a guy 'Kid'. If Kid Rock, had another name, I'd use it instead)

The guy's background song will be Picture, the song mentioned above, and the girl's background song will be What If, by Kate Winslet.

Anyway, onto part 1, which is the guy's part.


Home, and I was just taking a rest, having a cup of coffee after cleaning and arranging all the things, when a picture of us, during new year's eve, dropped out a book I remember I once asked you to read.

'I found your picture today...'

Rain, and I looked out, seeing raindrops falling on the garden pool that you loved to sit next to, and feed the little fishes that you gave names to.

I looked at that little picture, and remembered what you said that night, when the fireworks blazed across the new year sky, and then I looked at the words you wrote behind the little picture.

'For better or worse.' In your usual curvy style, which I loved to tease so much.

It hurts so much these days, thinking of you, and how I wished it was really was, for better, or worse.

'I put your picture away, sat down and cried the day'

I wondered what would've happened if I told you how sorry I was the next day, but I guess it's a little too late for all that now. If only, I didn't do what I did.

Coffee never tasted as sweet, and even when going out, it still feels a little so empty. Whenever I went to the mall, and saw the fast food store where we first met, I kept thinking of that day you kept insisting that I pay for spilling my drink on your skirt.

I smiled happily whenever I thought about the days we had together, and these memories, are much like crack. Makes you happy for a moment, then leaves you wanting more later.

'Since you've been gone my world's been dark and gray.'

I wanted to call you, then. I wanted to hold you again, and wanted to makes amends. I couldn't live thinking about the future we could have had together, but a part of me knows it's all been my fault.

I prayed that night, hoping you'd give me a chance again, and hope we'll be able to spend days in each other's company again.

'I swear I changed my ways, I called to say I love you, and come back home~'

But now, all I have is this picture, of us. To remind me, that I've been a fool, for letting you walk out that door.



The girl's part will come later. Tomorrow, perhaps. Tell me what you think, k?

3 voices

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hmm... Recently back into the semi-trance/techno kind of music again.

Damn soundTEMP.


My recommendations for the day, but I sincerely doubt, you have the ability to find these songs. They are not found on conventional search engines. I myself had to get into DC++ and private FTPs for these.

Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu (can get it from eileen too, she has it)

Tribal music off Civilization 4.

Yasunori Mitsuda - Battle with the devil.

Rather funky music from An'Cinn't (hard to spell. very weird french named game)

0 voices

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Almost Had You


Let hell begin.

0 voices


Aiks. So late.
23 days left till November ends.
Anyway. Anyone heard this question beore?

'Why does everyday have to be special?'

Er... Why ar?

I mean, why are we so crazy about being special, like being the special someone, or be famous etcetc.

Damn~ Can't we just lead ordinary lives, on with our ordinary days, with our ordinary looking wives, with our ordinary kids, with ordinary etcetcetcetc.

Okay. I answered my own question.

... Nvm~

Anyway. Not important.

Yesterday I wanted to online at night, but end up sleeping. -_-" Never mind lar. So nice to sleep lidat~

0 voices

Sunday, November 05, 2006
I will, will I?

Wakeup, play, eat, sleep, wakeup, play, eat, sleep.

Ah. The luxury.

Not a single second of studying.

When should I start?


7 voices

A Toy Story 2 Song

One of the most.... heartbreaking songs ever. Especially for this kind of morning, and this kind of emo mood. What more with Sarah McLachlan's lounge style of voice.

Listen to this at least 3 times, in the morning, just awake, and I can assure you'll feel the sorrow.

When Somebody Loved Me - Toy Story 2 OST, performed by Sarah McLaughlin/McLachlan

When somebody loved me
everything was beautiful
every hour spent together
lives within my heart

And when she was sad
i was there to dry her tears
and when she was happy so was i
when she loved me

through the summer and the fall
we had each other that was all
just she and i together like it was ment to be

and when she was lonely
i was there to comfort her
and i knew that she loved me

so the years went
by i stayed the same
but she began to drift away
i was left alone
but still i waited for the day
when she'd say i will always love you

lonely and forgotten
i never thought she'd look my way
when she smiled at me
and held me
just like she used to do
like she loved me
when she loved me

when somebody loved me
everything was beautiful
every hour we spent together
lives within my heart
when she loved me

0 voices

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Alpha testing is such... paperwork.

1. Statement Of Confidentiality. So, can't say shit except to my guildmates. Lolz. Yakisoba Meidos FTW!

2. Survey of opinion forms to fill up. Hahaha, of course not PAY-to-PLAY. First thing I shoot down any day.

But damn, I didn't regret any bit of it.

7 hours of free gaming at FTZ, and free bottle of water.
Sincerely, I wonder how I lasted that whole 7 hours playing the same shit over and over. ^_^

And I skipped my lunch for it too.

All in all, a good day.


Anyway, here is today's 2 songs. Some sort of a contemporary-rock kind of songs.

1. Puddle Of Mudd - She Hates Me - Punk/Rock.

Quite an old song, but nice to sing along to, especially good stress relief.

2. Nickelback - Rockstar - Rock

Something about this song tickles my fancy. It's just.. plain.. cool. Listen. ^_^ It's the kind of song that you need to listen to after a long day.

0 voices

Friday, November 03, 2006
Over M&Ms.

2 songs to comment on today.

Fort Minor - Petrified - HipHop/Rap

(Fort Minor speaks for itself, doesn't it. So just get it, or wait, most probably you have it already)

Malice Mizer - Illuminati - No Fucking Idea. Rock, I think, that's cos the singers seems to remind me of KISS. -Jap Song-

(now this song has a fucking disgusting video, and i wonder why oh why i ended up downloading it. But after a few listens and getting over the sheer perversion that is the goddamned video, I started to like it's rather weird sound effects, and the occasional screaming. very... erm.. liberating song.)

0 voices

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What a 'pleasant' morning.

I had a 'pleasant' breakfast.

One bowl of Poisoned Mee.
One cup of Arsenic tea.

Thanks, I 'appreciate' it very much.

0 voices

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fuck. I wanna play FFXII....


Ashe ftw. ^_^
I like Ashe. She's cute. ^_^
Penelo is cute oso.. and so is Fran.. but... Ashe is still the one lar. HAHA.
(Ashe looks pretty.. in her gown. My god!)

But then, first off, CARBON.

PRIORITY 1 no matter what.

Fuck Yes. When are the pirates starting to distribute the loot anyway? Wanna buy and plaaaay.

0 voices

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