Pic belongs to jureba40

Thursday, July 31, 2008

When nostalgia hits, you know you're getting old.

>< Still, can't deny that no matter how many times I listen to First Love, I'm still hopelessly blown away hahahahaha.

XD I think Winamp clocked about 2400+ plays (almost 30-40 hours of that song..) on that song back on my old com (my350mhz, 128mb dell Pentium 2 XD). (because I had few other good songs back then, and it was the only song I kept playing while I was grinding at Final Fantasy Tactics Advance hahaha)

Speaking of which, I think the mental connection is almost firmly established. Whenever I listen to it I kept thinking about Marche and the moogle blackmage.. >< Not to mention to cute viera bunnygals XD

I guess I identify it pretty much as FFTA's theme song already lulz.

0 voices

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A generation gap

We're a generation of dreamers.

Movies, TV shows, books, novels, documentaries, biographies of successful stories, blogs, celebrity gossip...

All flooding our thoughts, skewing how we view the world, of what it is, and what is could be. Or at least, what we thought our own lives could be. Money, fame, fortune, good looks, all a step into chasing it a life different from today.

Gone were the days when mankind was content with small goals.

Perhaps it's optimism that's brimming in us. That, our generation is grown to think if we try hard enough, we'll get there.

Maybe it's all those fairytale stories we read of when we're barely kids made us so.
Or maybe those great adventures of others, great figures of history, inspiring us to be so.
Or perhaps it's those celebrities, how seemingly overnight their lives changed from their previously 'ordinary' existence.

Yet I dare say such dreams are only reserved for the extraordinary few. When such dreams are thrust deep into the hearts of ordinary persons, it may have just made them worse.

A generation of dreamers.
Discontent with the present, forever in admiration of the future.
Perhaps unhappy too, because life isn't good enough to them.

A generation, who's grown up used to escaping reality. That dreams are always there to console them when the world's not good enough.
A generation, indulgent in luxury.

Maybe. Just maybe.
All this information has just made us less happier.

Who am I to say?

Maybe ignorance is indeed bliss.
Comparison hurts. Bad.

0 voices

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Target destabilized. Anti-recovery mechanism engaged, missiles launched.
Systems down. Jamming is confirmed effective. Missiles got through. Impact. Target destroyed.


Just being god-awfully random.


0 voices


It's like math. When you feel you've achieved something on completing something correctly, you know you're on the right path.

0 voices

Monday, July 28, 2008

Live Internet Destruction ><

Nuclear Bomb Coming








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12 hours of sleep can really reverse any frustration you have. XD

I suppose more sleep = better mood. lol

0 voices

Sunday, July 27, 2008

not sure what the hell is going on but for one i'm quite sure i'm going to feel like chewing off the head of any son of a bitch that comes in my way. i have no fucking idea why, and i don't like it when i feel this way, because i know i'm acting like everything in the world i irritating me. because that's the fucking truth. it is fucking irritating me beyond how i can imagine possible. so if u feel like having some, sure be a bitch or dickhead and i'll gladly take a big fat knife and chop your damned fucking dick off.
argh wtf

0 voices

Saturday, July 26, 2008
A world too large to be

World's a beautiful place.

Ever dreamt of travelling?

I sometimes wonder whether I'll ever set foot in Paris.
I sometimes wonder whether I'll ever get to see the carribeans whilst they are pretty.
I sometimes wonder whether, with so many places to go in the world, will I know which one I will go?

Today morning I dreamt of a vast desert. It's hot.. but strangely beautiful.
I dreamt how water, even in it's dirty, muddy form, tasted like it was from heaven.


Eh, just out of curiosity, are you fond of being thrown into a new environment, where you have to make friends all over again?

1 voices

Friday, July 25, 2008

Disconnected frustration may soon prove to be a disease.

0 voices

Thursday, July 24, 2008


not knowing what to do can be a problem sometimes.

0 voices

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Price Of Greed

I consider myself a light reader of history, and one of the biggest lessons in those irregular reads, is that history inevitably repeats itself; perhaps with a different place, different people, different times, but it will. History has seen things happen again, and again, though we try to make them distinct, to separate the small players, to make them seem as if they were unique to that period in time.

Often, they aren't. They are just driven by simple motivations on a large scale.

There's a very interesting application of fractals, that things that exist on a smaller scale replicates itself on larger environments, and perhaps it is similar for humans too. How 1 person thinks, may in effect drive how large societies think, and perhaps, one person's greed drives his or her own actions defines how society itself is so driven by greed.

Ceaseless expansion, aggressive growth, boundless optimism allied with a Machiavellian ruthlessness.

Where does it get us?


Sometimes our advice will never work. They are so confident they are right.

Hurts to see them be proven wrong eventually, but at least I could say at the end, 'I told you so.'

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hmm.. funky dream.. something about right person, wrong place.. something to that effect. ><

anyway, must be too much aoe3 ><

i guess when you sleep till 11am, ur brain goes a little haywire.
anyway, work work ><

0 voices

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Like a mockery

It was built as a mockery, an act of defiance of mankind against the limits that nature has set. A symbol of mankind's lack of respect for boundaries, sheer ruthlessness littered with a history of aggression and cunning, and pure greed.

One large tower, reaching so high up, that it reaches space. A space elevator, some called it, the cheap way to get out of the planet we've lived for millenniums, the optimists called it mankind's door to the universe.

Perhaps, the way forward is not meant to be done the proper way.

0 voices

Sunday, July 20, 2008

X + Y = 2, X = 1/Y

X = 2 - Y
2 - y = 1 / y
2y - y^2 = 1
y^2 - 2y + 1 = 0

x x2 x3 x4 x5
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 32
3 9 27 81 243
4 16 64 256 1024
5 25 125 625 3125

difference between x - x2, y - y2, x2-x3, y2-y3... tabulated to represent the difference between 1 number and each of it's surrounding number.

taken across, x - x2, x2-x3, x3-x4
0 0 0 0
1 2 4 8 16
1 6 18 54 162
1 12 48 ...
1 20 100 ...

bleh, nvr mind, i'll do it on a piece of paper instead. ><

0 voices

Friday, July 18, 2008
Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

I swear to god, I've never been so gripped to my cinema seats in a long, long time. It beats any other movie I've watched this year hands down. I hope that Wall-E lives up to the standard and make this year's movies the real 'awesomely-awesome' year for movies.

It's soo.... brilliantly made, it's supporting cast of characters were horribly believable, and Heath Ledger's role as the Joker. His presence on the screen itself is enough to send chills through, with his wicked yet creepily happy face.

I seriously recommend it enough that I'm actually going to watch it again.

0 voices

Why seriously so serious?

I like living my life sometimes. It boils down to attitude, I guess. I know some say their faith in god, their beliefs will get them through, and I respect that, but that's not how I view my world.

Why is it MY world, and not THE world? Because we each have different lives, our world is different, what influences me doesn't necessarily influence you.

I like my life. I know how sometimes things go wrong, say like my internet acts up, or say, money becomes difficult, or falling sick. I know how sometimes, the one you like doesn't like you, or how your scores disappoint you.

But I've learned that, we shouldn't let it bother us. I know it sounds so... idealistic, but strangely I've grown to be able to remain idealistic despite my cynical, skeptical nature. It's like I have 2 parts to me, and I think that makes me happy.

If life doesn't go your way, laugh and try something else. I guess when you feel like a stray leaf, blown wherever the wind takes you, there's less pressure.

I guess it's a quality that's useful at times, to be stubborn and hardheaded, but I feel that we only can guide, but cannot force. And if inevitably it's not meant to be, let it be. As a person we are only navigators and captains of a ship, where the wind takes us, is fate's call.

It sounds fatalistic, and similar to a blind belief in god, but I don't ask why when things don't go our way. I guess when you don't want something too much, and have the willingness to let go, it doesn't hurt anymore.

I believe happiness is not in having things, but in the ability to lose them. The more you are willing to lose them, the happier you can be, because I feel these things hold you, and makes a person feel bound, stressed, and tied.

The feeling you know that you don't need any of these things you have, that you can live without it, makes you appreciate these things whilst you have them, but also makes you more realistic and realize that when they go away, it's just in the normal order of things.

People take losing things the hard way. I feel if it's really meant to be, there's nothing we can do, so why cry over spoilt milk? If a girl doesn't want you, don't cry and fret. It's just one person, in so many you'll meet over your life.

Let life be that way. Unique, challenging, and yet with enough stability for me to sleep when I'm tired.

I like my world. It's interesting. It changes, the people, the environment, the things.. everything seemed so.. volatile. I guess it's that volatility to my life that I'll miss the most once I work.

Yet in spite of that volatility, some things never change. Like sleep. Still pleasurable every time I lay on my bed, thinking about what happened.

I sometimes feel if we hate the world, we'll just make ourselves notice how it's imperfect more. In times like this, I think the proper attitude is, this is our world, this is MY world. I should love it, because it's mine.

Like a family. We can't compare it, because we are a part of it as much as it is part of us. So we should love it as it is, because it is ours.

Our life too. It's ours, and we control it as much as it controls us.

So learn to love the world around you, and you might find that one way or another, the world will find it's way to love you too.

0 voices

Thursday, July 17, 2008

happy birthday suiyuan lol.

XD dark knight is OUT XD

0 voices

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Imperial Army

Kinda hooked on playing Age of empire 3. Despite how retarded the assisting AI and unit pathing is, it's still horribly fun.

It seemed an easy position to defend, 1 choke point. All that was needed was lots of artillery, and good amount of military force. Or at least, it seemed that way.

It's hard to fight when the enemy is willing to kill it's own troops. Even harder, when these troops don't seem to care about their own lives. Perhaps after a while it's drilled into them that they are but a fleeting existence, mere pawns of the generals and kings, that they owe their life to their god-emperor.

Or maybe they have a sense of purpose so strong that they'd willingly give their life for it's cause.

Perhaps we need something like the Golden Army, when faced with such... abominations.


LOL >< I'm awfully bored.


Hahaha, it's interesting how when you take that route to KL, somehow you wonder, will this be your life for the next 3-6 years? Hahahaha...

Admittedly I'm a creature of habit and I don't particularly mind sticking to a certain rhythm for a very long time. It's irregular patterns of work that sometimes become horribly unnerving.


I began the holidays with a checklist, at least, a mental one of things to do. Thinking back, I kinda didn't do any of it. Supposedly productive activities are relegated to things to do when you are horribly HORRIBLY bored, and there's no other alternatives. ><

Darn. Keeping score is tough.

0 voices

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I would love to blog about how retarded my connection has been lately. Seriously. My line is like.. wow..fucked badly.

Anyway, yeah.. fucked. Here, let me post it before it dc me again.

0 voices

Sunday, July 13, 2008

For a start, sometimes communication is an awfully big problem. That person can be just 3-4 seats away and they can't hear you already.

Conversely, there are alternative methods of communication, but the fabrication of a cohesive, united military movement is difficult when such alternatives are poorly made and a hassle to operate. And due to such barriers, we were skewered by a very impressive divide and conquer strategy.

>< Sad

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Nostradamus 3.56

Wow, big mistake on thinking back. >< Shit.

0 voices

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Berubahkanlah hatiku

Let it be.

Biarlah. Biarlah, tunggulah, sampai hari terlupa semuanya.

That one day soon, it will come, but perhaps a second too late.

Terikat, pada detik-detik lama. Terikat, pada apa yang mungkin, tetapi tidak berlaku.


practicing bm.

0 voices

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Sometimes I get a little too emo

I wonder whether it's fair. And sometimes it occurs to me that the more I try to be fair, the more unfair it turns out. Fairness is a concept, a word we use often we feel we've been treated in a way we don't like. It's age, I suppose, that as time passes, a person grows more cynical, that somehow we seem more intelligent by questioning our faith, our beliefs and come to the notion that we're stupid all along.

Is it fair, I ask myself, for me to push away those who wants my attention? Is it right for me to demand their attention when I have something to say? Is it alright for me to just bug them simply because I feel bored or lonely? Then I realize that fairness, is overused. It's a broad concept, wonderful in theory, destroyed by details and intricacies of how fairness is applied, used and interpreted.

Is it right, is it fair, as a person, to perceive fairness in the way we treat people?

Some things just are. If we hate them, we just do. If we like them, we just do. The more we try to analyze it, often we hit a brick wall because we don't know why, and thus we resign ourselves to misery, wishing somehow it will go away. Wishing, that somehow, time will cure it.

Times had a good phrase. 'Life's unfair. It's easier to find a job when you already have a job. It's easier to get laid when you already have a girlfriend, and it's definitely easier to buy things when you don't want to buy it.'


Anyway, just a hypothetical question that occurred to me when I was walking into my house. It's because I don't really care about my dog, when in fact it wants my attention. I wonder whether I'm allocating my time properly, hahaha XD


Anyway, yeah.

0 voices

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I wonder how someone sticks in your head for so long, hahahaha. Some sort of neurotic superglue I suppose?

Argh, so many games I want to play right now. Just watched the Homeworld 2 movies at CK's place, and marvelling at how gay the enemy can get when you cheat for an entire army of shit. Seriously, the very sight of space being flooded with frigates and fighters at near impossible odds is.. immensely satisfying, and scary.

i'm bored as this moment

'Take heed of the warnings the elders, Strider, know that the path which you travel, is one of no return.' The young scholar of the village said, his eyes conveyed worry and yet somewhat hints of disgust, in his mind flooded with Strider's ignorance of the wisdom of the aged elders of the village.

The man known as Strider, a dark-skinned fellow with brooding eyes, smiled weakly at the scholar, while adjusting his leather armor, and then replied, 'Return? Here? I'd rather take my chances with the warlords.'

Soon he was out of sight, riding across the fir forest with a single purpose on his head. The king, will die.

0 voices

Sunday, July 06, 2008


= Ultimate Diable Item Editor 2



0 voices

Friday, July 04, 2008
Get out the way?

First off, check Xiaxue and Dawn Yang's blogs, cool shit with the fight between them.

Onto something else. Malaysian politics, fantastic. High stakes, real people, reality TV and entertainment at it's best, when men are at their worst. Sometimes I wonder who's right, and who's wrong, and I suppose only god knows the facts.

But in such times of conflicts, I wonder who's looking outside at what's threatening the very lives of it's citizens.


ACCA's grossly overrated. Parents, please stop sending them to take ACCA. Realize that in doing so you are depriving these young souls of a complete and wholesome development of their personality and character. College life is supposed to be the years that define one's personality, one where these young souls are allowed to make life changing choices. ACCA, sadly, isn't one.

It's rigid, boring, and promotes introverted wandering souls that would shiver at the thought of speaking in public.

You give them a good qualification with ACCA, yes. But you've probably made them a weaker person. It's about time for people to start realizing that these people, are so damn sucky at research and finding their way when there's no leads, that if you left them with a simple instruction, they most probably don't know where to start. Seriously, send them somewhere they learn to change the way they think.

Realize that private institutions in our country today is very much about rote learning, and I believe there's no better representation of this than ACCA. Memorization, regurgitation, and all that. Send your kids overseas to somewhere where they can learn to open their minds and at least, learn some common sense.

Common sense tells you that the value of one item is in rarity and quality is good, but ACCA is NOT rare. So there you have a person who have a good qualification, but is probably doomed to a life of mediocrity due to lack of intellectual and emotional development.

Seriously, I'm sick of ACCA promoters. Send your kids somewhere far, let them struggle to live alone in a land they don't recognize with no fallback. They'll emerge a better person if you've educated them well previously.


Common sense is uncommon.


1 voices

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Off pace




0 voices

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I seriously never felt this amazed, or happy, or a mix of both.

Anyway, day started off well, with Adulai's bday. Had great fun doing it, and finally my cheque is on it's way. So seriously, day started off wonderfully.

Then after that went home, killed Diablo, and watched a few cinematics from D2. Was already pretty fun at that, and either way I was quite joyful already. Diablo was pretty weak since I kinda cheated, but whatever, joy joy joy. D3 is coming out anyway.

After that, WS called, dinner and movie. Alright, that sounds... fun. Of course, I didn't quite expect how much fun I had.

Then, something rather.. miraculous happened before I went out for movie. My dog got banged by a car. I saw it, and strangely he still lives. Looks alive and uninjured. Hope he still will be when I wake up tomorrow...

The movie, seriously I kinda went with no expectations. Doomsday. Sounds creepy enough. BUT!!!!! It's not! It's like really rojak and I was totally totally amused. It failed at being a creepy story, but darn, it was goddamned amusing. I didn't know gore could be that funny. As I type this I still feel kinda high and giddy. It's like.. my god, just.. felt damn good when I came out of it.

Oh, there's a Bentley car chase scene in there too! How the fuck ><>< It's like a parody that doesn't try to be. WOW, seriously funny shit. It's like Lincoln, V for Vendetta, Bond and so many other shit thrown into a blender for a funny rojak. Now I don't recommend you to watch it, but seriously, I'm like.. wow.. that's funny.


Hahaha then thank god I drove. Summit parking was my playground. Fun XD

Damn, life's good.

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